CH 8

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The drive back to the house was tense to say the least. The Lisa that sat with me and rocked me whilst I wept had disappeared and had been replaced by the cold, hard business man ready for battle but this wasn't her fight, it was mine and I wasn't going to let her destroy more of her relationship with Jisoo, our "fling" was more than enough to contend with. I reached over and squeezed her thigh and she immediately tensed like she knew what was coming.

" Don't get involved Lisa, this is my problem not yours."

" Don't be stupid Jen I'm not going to let you face this on your own, if i hadn't been so concerned after you left I would have already gone in there and knocked some sense into my sister."

"Lisa.." I sighed " I'm grateful that you would do this but if you go in there all guns blazing someone will click that we are more than just friends. I don't know if I am ready for that yet, lets just deal with one problem at a time."
She is mouth pressed into a hard line and her knuckles are turning white from gripping the steering wheel so tight.

"And besides I am more than ready for this."

We pull up to the house and I am overcome with a sense of déjà vu, 24 hours ago I was sitting here with Jisoo, my girlfriend, the woman who I loved and trusted, preparing to meet my potential in laws. Fast forward a day I am psyching myself up to confront her about cheating on me with my best friend. This is it, jumping out the car before Lisa could say anything or before I talked myself out of it. I stormed into the house.

Charging through the house like a bull being tempted by a red cloth, I thanked god that everyone was still out I really didn't want the Kim family to witness this after all this is their daughtet , their house, at Christmas. I barged through the kitchen door only to find it empty. I checked every room downstairs to no avail. This meant they were upstairs the thought turned my stomach. I creep up the stairs trying not to disturb them, upon reaching the top i glance down to find Lisa standing there watching me, she is on the phone but her face is full of despair I know she wants to do this together and it is taking every ounce of restraint not to climb these stairs. I throw her a look of gratitude and walk towards the only bedroom door that was closed. Gripping the door handle I took a deep breath and fling the door open.

Jisoo is sitting upright in the bed. Naked. Only the crisp white sheet is covering her bottom half. Her look suddenly turned from one of post coital bliss to one of complete fear.


" Fancied a little midday nap did we?"


" You left Rosè all by herself what a poor host you are Jisoo." my voice dripping with sarcasm " it's odd, I didn't see her downstairs you have any idea where she is?" She is just staring at me open-mouthed.
" Maybe she is in here.." I move towards the walk in closet " We all know how much she loves clothes, Rosè has a gorgeous body doesn't she Jisoo?"

" I wouldn't um know Jennie.."

" Mmm you wouldn't know, come on Jisoo your a woman, you have eyes. Nope not in here.." I say " maybe she is under the bed. She is alway losing things under there especially her underwear I'm always helping her find them after a guys left, you know being the caring, considerate roommate and best friend that I am".

"Jennie please don't do this.." Jisoo pleads. I can see tears forming but I couldn't give a shit. My anger is reaching fever point but surprisingly my voice sounds calm and collected.
" Ah! I know where she could be. Rosè always likes to shower!" I swing the en suite bathroom door wide open " she likes scrub off the skink of betrayal" by this point I'm screaming. Sure enough there she was, my best friend. Wrapped only in a towel. her face buried in her hands

" J-jennie I am so sorry.."

" Sorry! You sleep with my girlfriend Rosé! All i get is a sorry?!"

Jisoo has jumped out of the bed and scrambled on some boxers. She comes up behind and puts a hand of my shoulder.

You need to calm down baby.."

" DON'T YOU DARE FUCKING TOUCH ME! YOU LYING FILTHY DOG!" I hiss and recoils from me shocked by level of my anger.

" And YOU!" I turn back to Rosé, my own tears starting to fall "my best friend, the one person who knows everything about me. I trusted you with my life. Remember when we used to sit at night and I would gush about Jisoo and tell you how hard I was falling for her, did you not think about that when you were FUCKING HER? or was that all useful information?! "

"Jen.. I never meant for this to happen.. " I snigger at the cliche " I really didn't. I love you!" she reaches to stroke my arm and it makes me feel sick. I start pacing the room desperately trying to sort out my thoughts while they just stand there like gormless idiots. I perch on the side of the bed my back to them.

" How long?" No response,


" A-about 3 months.." Jisoo whimpers and in feel like I have just been punched in the gut.

" How did it start?"

" Does it really matter???" She has the audacity to ask.

My head snaps towards them "Answer the fucking question Jisoo!" I growl quiet and menacing. Its Rosé who finally manages to explain.
" It was when you went to visit your mom in New Zealand. She came over looking for you, we had a few drinks and one thing lead to-to another.."
My mom was really sick a few months back so I flew out to take care of her, Charles, my mothers forth husband couldn't cope on his own, i didnt have time to tell Jisoo what was happening.

"Did you take her to your house Jisoo? Did you fuck her in the same bed i slept in?, the bed you made love to me in night after night?" She hangs her head in shame and nods her head slightly.

I am going to be sick! I rush past them into the bathroom to empty my stomach. It just gets worse and worse. Rosé tries to comfort me but her touch feels likes its burning my skin.

" Get off me! Get off me! "

I manage to stand up and stumble out. It is becoming difficult to breath, the tears are streaming and I know I am the midst of a full blown panic attack. From somewhere I summon up the energy to call for Lisa, I can't be around them anymore I need her to take me away back to the happy safe place, were I was last night in her arms.

Lisa is barreling up the stairs at a speed im sure would rival Usain Bolt, she sees the state I am in and she charges for Jisoo.

" You worthless piece of shit! " she shouts and pins her sister against the wall " You see what you have done, what you have done to her! All you had to do was keep that dick in your pants but you couldn't even manage that!"

At this point my knees can no longer support my weight and I fall to the floor.

"Lisa.." I whisper. She turns and all the rage fades from her face only to be replaced by worry. She releases Jisoo and runs over to me. She picks me up bridal style and clutches me close to her chest. Striding out I stop her in front of the two traitors. I look Rosé straight in eyes.

" I hate you!" I say breathlessly " I will never forgive you for this. We are done!"

After that everything becomes a blur, Rosé is screaming my name, Jisoo is running after us. I can hear Lisa whispering. "Come on baby stay awake.." as she carries me out the house and to the car. I vaguely register seeing the Kim's in the driveway looking at us confused, their heads snapping round to see Jisoo who is standing in the doorway in only her boxers whimpering " I.. I-I'm sorry.." repeatedly. The last thing I remember is Lisa yelling at some man named V, so that the infamous V, to take us to somewhere called Hera.

I then drift off. Away from the hurt.

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