CH 21

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The anger radiating off of Lisa is palpable, I'm sure if this was a cartoon there would be steam blowing from her ears. Those striking dark brown eyes blaze and her chest is heaving at a 100 mph. The hold she has around me is becoming painful.

"Lisa your hurting me baby.." I whisper and the hold immediately relaxes.

" Explain" she commands at V

" Witness reports state that a woman matching Ms Alena's description was spotted lingering around the vancinity before the attack took place. She was described as looking edgy and solely focus on the bar. I got a phone call at lunchtime from an acquaintance who provided me with these details and it instantly rang a bell so I acquire some of the tapes and ordered Mike to search her records. This is when it was discovered that she had applied and attained a gun license and purchased a weapon alongside some ammunition. We have had surveillance tracking her since this afternoon and we saw two unidentified subjects entering her home. We believe one of these suspects is the shooter. I contacted the police with every piece of information in our possession but protocol prevented them from acting immediately, they have to verify the evidence before making any arrests. During this time, the group had managed to exit Alena's property and unfortunately the tail we had on them was lost. They haven't been seen since."

The only thing keeping Lisa from charging out the room right now is me.

" THAT FUCKING BITCH!" She screams and leaps up. Lisa paces the room frantically "Why would she resort to this? We agreed to part ways months ago!" She seems to have forgotten V and I are in the room.

" I am going to kill her!" This one comment sends shockwaves through my battered body, she is deadly serious. If anything happens to Lisa because of that woman I would never forgive myself. She would have won regardless if her attentions weren't successful. My life without Lisa doesn't bear thinking about. I see the determination surge through her body and she heads straight for the door on a mission. A murderous mission. It takes all of V's immense strength to hold her back. I cry out for Lisa to stop but pain prevents me from putting any power behind it.

" Fucking let me go V!" Lisa shouts in a rage.

" I can't let you do this Lisa!" It's always strange when V refers to Lisa by her first name. "Alena will get what's coming to her!"

" I don't give a shit! I will find that bitch and make her pay!"

" You ending up in prison for the rest of your life won't solve the situation and that is what will happen if i let go! People rely on you Miss Manoban." V looks pointedly at me. As if a ton of bricks suddenly hits, Lisa remembers that I am sitting on the bed watching this show play out. She looks at me and her eyes soften. I see her dilemma play out in front of me.

" Search high and low for her and don't stop until she has been found! Do not let her out of your sight when you do. I want the names of the other pricks as well!" Lisa barks and V goes off to follow her bosses requests. Once V vacates the room, Lisa slams her fists into the wall making me jump and a huge fist shape hole appears. An anguished scream erupts from deep within her soul and it breaks my heart, I cover my mouth in an effort to hold in the sob.

The enormity of the information we have just received begins to set in. This woman I have never met organised my murder and the possible deaths of many others in that bar. What in the world would drive someone to these lengths? there is something connecting Alena and Lisa, something strong enough to drive a person to mastermind such an inhumane act. Our relationship has past by at lightening speed and we really haven't had the time to discuss each others backgrounds. It is then when it dawns on me; before the shooting Lisa agreed to tell me whatever it was she was keeping from me, with all the drama and my lingering head injury it had slipped my mind. This attack was callous and steeped in jealously, Alena wanted to hurt Lisa badly.

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