CH 24

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Sitting in my office at LMH my mind starts to wonder. Today has been full of surprises, never in a million years did I expect Jennie to bring up the playroom and actively encourage we go in there. I have been terrified of broaching the subject with her even though I have reluctantly informed Jennie of some of the details of BDSM but not to any great extent. Surprisingly I am very content with our vanilla lifestyle, it satisfies me more that I could possibly imagine and that I feel is down to my Jennie.

There is a knock at the door and Mike comes barging in, if it were any other employee I would not stand for such rude behavior but allowances are made for this man, he does a lot for me.


"Miss Manoban, I apologize for calling you in at such a late hour".

" It's not a problem. What's up?" It was a problem, I was hoping to have a few more rounds in the playroom with Jennie before I was summoned in, under normal circumstances I would have refused but as I have already missed so much over the past few weeks with Jennie becoming my main priority I feel it was integral I begin to integrate myself back in the workplace, wouldn't want these fuckers to forget who is boss.

Mike spreads papers in front of me, some are blurred camera shots of a woman in sunglasses and a floppy hat sitting at the wheel of a large black SUV, "..Well as you know we have been working tirelessly on Miss Sander's case as per you instruction and it has been difficult to say the least." The strain is evident on the man's face, I really have pushed them on this and don't regret it. Alena must be found and punished and I am motivated in providing Jennie with a sense of security again.

" Has there been any improvements?" I ask hoping for a positive answer. It baffles me that this scheming vindictive woman has evaded our and the police' attempts at catching her.

" Yes"

My heart stops and eyes widen " And.." I'm becoming impatient

" There has been a sighting of Alena in Seoul." Jennie! My first thought is of my love. She is by herself at Hera. Yes Larry is there but that's it. One man isn't enough to protect the most precious thing in my life.

" Where?"

" An unmarked SUV has been seen around the city, usually in the vicinity of yourself. One of your security clientele noticed it and brought it to my attention, I made sure a tail was in place and we managed to get substantial pictures through the tinted windows as you can see and I scanned them through the recognition system and sure enough it was match".

" Why the fuck wasn't I told about this!" Someone is fired

" They didn't want to cause anymore stress to you or Miss Kim until it had been confirmed by myself".

" Who informed you of Alenals appearance?"

" Marco ma'am."

I snatch the receiver off the holder and punch in the number.

"V.. Marco I want him out... Make sure he is removed from Hera by the time I return". I hang up, nobody keeps me in the fucking dark especially with a situation as dangerous as this, i employ him not the other way around.

" Ma'am there is something else."

" What?"

" The CCTV system in Hera was hacked and recordings from over a year ago were copied".

" Why!?" Blackmail? Is she going to try to bribe me by threatening to expose my lifestyle. That is impossible, she would just be incriminating herself as well. Alena knows I have enough shit on her to bring her down too, I guess she is already in so much trouble she no longer cares.

TEMPTATION | JENLISA G!P (COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now