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My alarm beeped from the bed stand beside me as i leaned over pressing the snooze button for what felt like the 50th time this morning, 

I eventually pulled myself from my bed and headed to the bathroom to shower and prepare myself for my first day in my new job. 

I suppose i should introduce myself, my name is Chloe Darcy i am 23 years old currently living in London, I am a personal trainer and until today had been working at St Georges park helping train the under 21s England football team. 

I was recently made aware that because i was preforming so well with the under 21s they wanted me to come in and help with the first team this season which of course i was so excited and blessed to have been given this opportunity. 

I currently live with my best friend Lilly who i met while working at St Georges park, Lily is a couple years older than me and has been working with the first team for 2 years now and is also a massive part of the reason i recently secured this promotion. 

"Ready to go" Lilly asked from the door way of my bedroom with her car keys swinging from her fingers

"Ready" i smiled at her checking my outfit one more time in the mirror, i wore a half zip training top and some tight jogging bottoms both with the england badge on them as this was our 'uniform' as they would call it, My hair was scraped into a high pony tail and i curled the ends to give it a bit more texture and volume. 

The drive to St Georges park was only around 20mins from my house and we decided to take lillys car as we where both working the same shifts now. 

As we arrived we where welcomed again by other members of staff and we where summoned to the kitchen for a breifing with the gaffer himself before the players arrived for the day.

"Welcome back everyone and as always thank you for all your hard work last season we could not have done it without you, i want to firstly welcome the new faces you see round the room starting with the lovely Chloe Darcy, Chloe has been with us many years and did an outstanding job with the under21s last year i have promoted her to the first team to ensure the guys are as fit and strong as they can possibly be. so if we could all give her a round of applause"

Everyone clapped and i could even hear a couple cheers from some of the staff i have worked with over the last 2 years. 

Gareth's briefing was short and straight to the point before he rounded up and let us get back to what we came to do.

I followed Lilly down the long corridor till we finally reached the Gym pushing the doors open to revile the fresh smell of new rubber matts and cold metal, the music was already on which Lilly advised would be changed when the boys came in as they like to listen to their own music 

We set up the Gym the way we needed for our first session moving things around as we needed 

" you nervous" Lilly looked over to me as we picked up a rubber matt and moved it to position 

"yes very, its such a big jump from under 21s to the first team" i told her as my emotions where all over the place today. 

"dont worry about it, the lads banter is amazing and look at you your beautiful they will be fighting each other for your attention" she laughed

" shes right dont let them take advantage" Dan laughed from the other end of the Gym, Dan was a senior trainer who had been doing this for years and was an amazing mentor to me while i was still studying

i shook my heads at both them when i heard the gym door open and an eruption of laughter came from Declan Rice and Mason Mount, the weirdest thing was i knew who all the boys where as i had to study and revise their fitness plan over the break to ensure i knew where they needed most work and concentration. 

"Morning guys gather round please" Dan announced as the team filtered into the Gym 1 by 1 

"So welcome back, the hard work begins again eh" dan rubbed his hands and giggled 

"We have a slight change to the training staff this year as you can probably already tell" i felt like everyones eyes where on me 

"This is chloe she has replaced Raymond this season as he wont be joining us, now be nice to her shes young and very good at what she does" he winked over at me

"oh come on Dan when are we not nice" Kyle winked over at me and smiled 

"right lets get to work then shall we, split into teams of 4 and each team we want you to go to one station at a time" Dan told them 

I walked over to the station i was working beside the weight bench and set up the i pad to record how high the boys could jump, Dan demonstrated the excersice and then asked them to do it themselves

"So how long have you worked here chloe i dont think i have ever seen you around before" Harry Kane asked as he walked over to the bar 

"i was with the under 21s before i got my promotion so i was never really here the same day as you guys" i told him as he jumped as high into the air as he possibly could with a bar rested round his shoulders 

" well its really nice to meet you" he said as he dropped the bar back to his resting position 

"But your no stranger to me are you Chlo" mason winked as he walked up to the station

"No mase defiantly not" i laughed at him while i pushed his shoulder lightly

"your such a flirt mason" Dec laughed 

i had worked really closely with Mason, Declan and Phil Foden when they where playing for the under 21s and we where all pretty close 

"Well its a pleasure to meet you Chloe and dont worry im not as sleazy as this lot" Kyle walker laughed as he put his hand up for me to high five 

i was introduced to the boys 1 by 1 as they all came forward to do the exercise layed out for them, the last person to do the exercise walked over, he was about 6 foot 2 with light brown wavy hair and his eyes glistened as he walked towards me 

"Hi im john its nice to meet you" he smiled, i knew exactly who he was and had seen pictures of him around the place but oh my god he was so handsome in real life 

The training session had ended and we where all hanging around just chatting before the boys headed outside 

" Chloe Lilly, there are a couple of us heading out for a couple drinks tonight if yous want to join us you know before we are back at it every day next week" Dec announced 

"Yeah we would love to" Lilly smiled at them as they left the gym clearly making the decision for me 

Me Lilly and Dan cleared up the Gym before we headed to the cafe for some food before we headed home to get ready for tonight. 

just a quick a quick AN from me, i felt like there was a lot more love needed on here for Mr Stones himself so i hope you all enjoy, i will try my very best for regular updates as i can, feel free to leave your comments and let me know what you all think :)

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