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It was our second day in Spain and after a busy day of training in the Spanish heat myself and Lilly had decided to soak up the sun for the rest of the day.

I put on a simple black bikini and rubbed tanning location all over my body as I relaxed into a sun bed round the pool at our hotel.

"This is the life init" Lilly sighed as she lay back into her sun bed

"It sure is" I laughed at her

A roar came from the boys in the pool who where throwing around a ball when it landed right in between me and Lilly.

I watched John pull his toned and very tanned body from the pool and make his was over to my sun bed lifting my legs so he could sit down under them

"Are you ok" I asked him as he stretched his leg out

"Nah my leg is killing me today, couldn't even run in training earlier" He explained

"When's your appointment" I asked

"Tomorrow I was going to ask you if you would come with me" he looked down rubbing his hands over my oily legs that rested on his

"Yeah course I just need to check with Dan that I'm not needed" I told him

"Already done, I asked him earlier he said it's fine" John winked at me before turning round so his back was facing me and lay down between my legs his head resting on the bottom of my stomach as I wrapped my legs round his waist to support myself I ran my fingers through his hair

We watched the boys fool around in the pool for a couple more hours when I watched Lilly pack her towel and things into her bag

"Where you off to Lils" I asked as she placed her sunglasses on her face

"Me and Kyle are going for a walk down the beach we won't be long" she said

I handed Lilly the key so she could get back into the room when they returned

"I'm so tired" John moaned from the same position between my legs

"Shall we go have a nap" I asked as i sat up and leaned the upper half of my body over John's kissing him sweetly on the lips

"A nap" John winked as I rolled my eyes at him

We stood from the sun bed as I gathered all my belongings and made our way back into the hotel.

John and kyles room was a floor bellow mine and Lilly's we walked out the elevator as John reached for my hand intertwining both our fingers as we walked the hall way until we eventually made it to the room door.

John pushed it open and walked inside as I placed my bag down at the bottom of the bed

"John stones the state of this room" I giggled at the mound of clothes and towels lying round the boys bedroom

"Ignore the mess" I felt John's arms snake round my waist from behind as he rested his hands on my bare stomach

I turned wrapping my arms behind John's neck and leaning my forehead on his as John moved his hands and rested them on my bum

I traced my hands up John's bare abs lightly grazing his jaw with my hands before he pulled me in for a kiss... his tongue grazed along my bottom lip asking for entrance as he deepened this kiss.

John's hands traced along my back until the found the tie of my bikini and gently undone the knot holding it to my body

With on slow movement John removed my bikini top and threw it on the floor beneath us pulling my body closer to his as he moved us both backwards towards the bed

John climbed between my legs or lips staying connected the whole time until I was lay flat on the mattress John pulled away for a second as he gazed into my eyes before leaning down and leaving a trail of kisses along my neck and over my chest.

A small moan escaped my lips destructing John from what he was doing as he pulled himself back up so he was level with my face again

"You like that" he giggled as his hand slowly traced along my body until they finally found the ties to my bikini bottoms he sat up right as he slipped them off my body throwing them on the floor before bringing himself back down to kiss me.

Our nap lasted longer than we expected, I woke up in johns hotel room and realised Kyle and Lilly still hadn't come back from the beach yet.

I threw the blanket off my body when John reached for my waist pulling me back into him

"Please don't leave" he moaned his eyes still fully closed

"We need to go get ready for dinner" i laughed turning round and kissing his lips while his eyes where still closed, I could feel him smile into the kiss as I pulled away

"I wonder if Lilly and kyle are in my room" I asked as I rubbed my eyes

I picked up my phone finding Lilly's number and pressing the FaceTime button

It continued to ring for a couple minutes with no answer I quickly text her asking where she was before standing from the bed and heading to the bathroom picking up my bikini on the way.

I washed my face and fixed my hair before heading back to get John out of bed.

"No take it back off" he moaned as I walked back in with my bikini on again

"Come on lazy let's go find Lilly and Kyle" I grabbed his hands pulling him up as he winced slightly

"Is it your leg" I asked as John grabbed his thigh

"Yeah it's killing" he moaned standing and pulling me into him

"I just hope it's not serious" he said before kissing me softly

We made our way out of johns room and along to mine and Lilly's, I knocked the door a couple times but there was no answer

"They literally left like 4 hours ago I wonder where they are" I said

"Let me phone walks see if he answers" John pulled his phone from his pocket

I watched as John held the phone to his ear... it rang out as he sighed putting his phone back into his pocket before we headed down to the main reception to get another key.

A/N guys I am soooooo sorry it has taken me so long to update, I lost all motivation to continue with this story but I'm back and have plenty updates for you all 🤍

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