Chapter 1: Meeting of the Shields

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Garfiel looked at his surroundings to find himself in an unknown crowd. 

This unknown crowd looked much fancier than him by a long shot. 

This made him feel confused at first since he knows he doesn't belong there before turning into rage. 

He was just at the small town near the mansion, going off to fetch the last thing on the list of groceries for his captain and his best friend only to be in some unknown location with people of high class from the looks of it.

'Huh? Where da fuck's my amazin' self?'

"Oi Cap'n? Where ya at?" Garfiel shouted to which everyone just looked at him confused, a couple whispering amongst themselves.

"Who is he?"

"What's with that demi human brat?"

"How vulgar of him!"

"What's a child doing here?"

"Is he lost?"

"Such an annoyance."

'Grr. Th's fuckin' people. They can fuck off.'

Garfiel thinks to himself while he began to glance around his surroundings, noticing that he's out of place both physically and socially. 

This caused him to think back for a moment on what had happened back in the mansion to trigger this event.

'Well...My amazin' self was just gettin' th'stuff for cap'n...then...huh? Th'hell is going?!'

While he was thinking for a bit, he continued to glance for a little longer at the crowd. 

Eventually he noticed the two guys that aren't much older than him, both having an odd aura that is different from the others around them.

'Hm. Somethin's off 'bout them.'

He observed the two closely before deciding to look around a bit more. 

He noticed a guy with a weird white hat.

He noticed a guy with a weird white hat

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'Th'hell's th't? Looks stupid. Could be th' king, I guess?'

As he finishes his thought on the man in white, his eyes drifted towards the other man across from the man in white. 

This one was not only much older but was wearing a more appropriate attire for a king. Wearing a purple cloak, a crown with a purple gem, and was surrounded by a few guards.

 Wearing a purple cloak, a crown with a purple gem, and was surrounded by a few guards

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