Chapter 7: The Wave: Part One

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"Is that all of them?" One of the knights said as he took down the goblin he was facing.  The other knight looked around to confirm if that was all the villagers.

While he looked, a random goblin came out from a corner and tried to sneak attack him.

Under normal circumstances, the goblin would have the advantage and the highest opportunity to kill this knight yet after the hellish training he had endured, he was able to protect himself.

"Nice try but after the hellish days I endured!  I won't die with just a swing of your sword."

As the knight said this, he completely overwhelmed the goblin before killing it with just a couple of hits.

Once this happened, he turned towards the knight that had asked him a question in order to respond with,

"We have them all round up.  It's up to us now.  We need to kill all these monsters!"


The two knights both stood back to back as a horde of goblins surrounded the pair.

"Well...this is going to be a pain."

"Don't think like that!  We will survive this!"

Just as the shorter knight of the two said this, a lizard man appeared behind one of the groups of goblins.

"... Are you sure about surviving this? Just saying."

"Oh shut up!"

Although they had tried extremely hard, the two knights know that they are extremely outclassed.

The two stood still as the goblins and the lizard man began their move.

As this happened, Garfiel quickly swoopt in and started to take on the goblins and the lizard man on his own, managing to prove his strength by being able to one shot the goblins while giving the lizard man a beatdown.

The two knights were in complete shock when they saw this.

"Damn...that demi human boy is pretty strong..."

"Yeah—hey! watch out!"

The taller knight blocked off an attack from one of the goblins trying to attack them while they were focused on what Garfiel was doing.

"We can't let ourselves be distracted.  We are still in the middle of a fight!"


The two knights quickly teamed up and used their combined strengths and skills to make a dent on the group of goblins facing them.

As the two were fighting with everything they got, Garfiel finished off the lizard man with a powerful hit to the forehead, managing to destroy the head in the process.

"Whoops.  Wasn't tryna break yer head."

As Garfiel said this, the lizard man's body fell to the ground lifeless, indicating that Garfiel had managed to kill it.

He turned towards the two knights to see if they needed his assistance.  As he looked towards them, he saw that although they were outnumbered, the two don't really need his help at this point.

Seeing their training paying off by facing impossible odds was enough for Garfiel to turn around and deal with the even more stronger creatures from the current wave.

While Garfiel left to check on the others and the two knights were holding their own, Naofumi looked around to see that the knight and mages that stayed with him were making sure all the villagers were safe before returning to the action with the Shield Hero and his party.

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