Chapter 18: Trial by fire

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Naofumi and the others noticed that they were in some ruins now right after Fitoria had said Portal. Filo and Garfiel were both amazed by this.



They all started to walk outside of the carriage with Naofumi investigating the area.

"Wh-What just happened?" Raphtalia questioned.

"Did we travel instantly?" Melty asked as she noted how different their environment was.

"Ruins, huh?"

"You can practically feel their history."

"..." Naofumi looked at Fitoria in a serious expression, remaining silent.

"I hear it's considered the remains of the civilization the original heroes defended."

"You don't sound very sure." The Shield Hero pointed out.

"It existed before I was born. For what it's worth, I'm watching over it." As Fitoria said this, Melty took the chance to ask:

"Is this a filolial sanctuary?"

"Yes. I'm not supposed to bring humans here."

"Wow." Melty was impressed.

"Then I guess we'll be safe here for the time being." Naofumi commented before turning towards the knocked out Motoyasu. It'll be fine until he wakes up.

As he was about to turn towards Fitoria to question her, they all heard Filo and Garfiel's stomachs growl.



Both remain silent to which Fitoria took the chance to say:

"I think you should get some rest."

" 'T's been a long day. We probably should rest."

"Probably, however you aren't off the hook."

"What're ya talkin' 'bout?"

"Getting yourself captured. That caused such a mess."

"Come on, 't wasn't th't bad."

"We should probably not fight amongst each other." Melty added in, viewing this conversation pointless.

"Could we please eat, master?" Filo asked as she approached Naofumi. He was silent for a second before closing his eyes and sighing.

"Let's take a break, then."

"Yay!" Filo jumped up with excitement.

"That was a long day." Melty said as she also sighed, feeling tired out. Naofumi turned towards Raphtalia, having noticed that she looked down.

" 'R ya okay?" Garfiel said first, beating the Shield Hero to the punch.

"I wonder if Keel-kun and the other kids are alright."

"They've got Van and those demi-humans with them. They should be fine."

Raphtalia paused for a moment, processing what her master had said.

She turned towards him with a reassured smile while responding to the Shield Hero's response to her comment,

"You're right."

Naofumi smiled for a second before turning towards the others.

"First, let's eat. I bet you're all hungry."

"Yeah!" Both Filo and Garfiel said, prompting Naofumi to turn right towards the demi human boy.

"Garfiel, you go get the food and set up the fire."

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