Chapter 20: The Sword Hero, Ren Amaki

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Thinking back on that fateful day where he was stabbed and killed in his world, he thought back to his best friend. 

He thought about how, despite having Megumi as his best friend, during school he would play the lone wolf. 

Even though she's tried to get him to have more friends, he would turn it down.

("Ren! Can I go to your house to play Brave Star?")

("Hmph. Again?" Ren smirked though it went away when more people started to gather behind Megumi.)

("Everyone else wants to come, too! Show them how good you are at it!")

Ren recalls that he felt overwhelmed by that which prompted him to act like a jerk and say that he's busy. 

This was something he's come to regret since he probably won't be able to go back after being killed. 

It was a bit weird at first thinking back onto the last day he was on his version of Earth though it eventually took him reliving him being stabbed and killed to knock him back into reality. 

He was in a dark room, being beaten by a couple of guards that were unhappy that the magician's hypnosis wasn't working on him. 

For the past few days since speaking with the priest, they have been trying to brainwash him into believing the lies they've been spreading around the capital.

"The Devil of the Shield must be taken out."

"...N-No...h-he wo—"

Before he could fully respond, he got punched once again by one of the guards. 

This stunned Ren for a moment, all of his senses only feeling pain before his vision started to get back to normal. 

He coughed up some blood before looking at the guard that was preparing to throw another punch at him.

"...i-is th-that the got..."

"Shut it, Fallen Sword." The guard shouted as he punched Ren's face once again, disliking the taunting.

"You have a lot of energy, for someone who's imprisoned. Do you not know that you are in no position to act out without consequences." The other guard spoke as he crossed his arms, finding it amusing how cocky the Sword hero is despite the situation he's at.

"It's only a matter of time before we can save the Fallen Sword from the influence of the Demon Shield." The magician said as he was preparing another hypnosis spell.

"No matter how much you try, I won't be brainwashed by you or anyone of this twisted church."

SMACK , he received another hit to the face by the aggressive guard.

"Don't disrespect the three heroes church, traitorous bit—!"

"Enough." The magician spoke. "The spell's ready."

As the magician approached the Sword Hero, he pushed the small ball of light in his hands onto the Sword Hero's head which caused him to shake violently. 

The hypnosis spell was overwhelming him for a moment as he suddenly felt himself in a blank world.

'Wh-What's going on? Where am I?'

He wasn't sure what was going on at first since he stopped feeling the pain of the hypnosis spell at first since he started to feel that same pain in a different spot on his stomach side. 

As he felt this, he looked at the side of his stomach only to see that he was bleeding because of a knife.

'A...knife? When did I...?'

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 28 ⏰

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