Chapter 16: Reunion

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Some time before Garfiel escaped

Naofumi, Raphtalia, Filo and Melty managed to reach near the Idol's mansion.

As they were close, Melty turned towards the Shield Hero to ask him:

"We are right here, now what?"

"Give me a moment." Naofumi said, trying to take this chance to analyze the area.

He can see that there's a bunch of demi humans distracting many knights nearby.

Raphtalia also noticed this which prompted her to say:

"Those look like the ones from Reichnott's domain."

"They are here because their precious master was captured." Naofumi commented on what Raphtalia had said.

He turned towards the younger princess's direction, noticing her current expression to the situation.


Naofumi looked at her with a blank expression before turning towards the mansion once again, seeing that the front door is guarded by only two knights.

He thought about doing a front assault though that would be under the assumption that both Garfiel or Reichnott aren't in mortal danger when the assault starts.

He then thought about sneaking around but the problem with that would be finding a backway into the mansion.

There's also the fact that the longer they take to rescue the two, the higher the chance of ending up finding either of them dead.

The third option would be a mix of the two.

'Hm, the best way to get in would be to knock these two guards first without being alerted while the others are distracted by the demi humans.'

As he thought this, he noticed the second princess throw a robe at him.

"What's this?"

"Put it on." Melty spoke in a serious tone.

"Why should I?" He questioned, annoyed by her demanding tone, reminding him too much of her.

Melty looked at Naofumi before pointing at the two knights guarding the front door while answering his question:

"We are going to speak with them."

"What kind of plan is that?" The Shield Hero questioned.

"They won't recognize you with that robe on. Besides, they'll be more focused on me."

'She's right...' He thought to himself, knowing just how much attention Melty's going to get when she reveals herself to the two knights.

Though a thought popped up:

"Wait, where's the robe for Raphtalia and Filo?"

", I only had one." Melty knew that Naofumi was giving a strong gaze towards her.

She remained silent as she didn't want to argue with him about it.

The Shield Hero looked at her before turning towards the mansion, knowing that arguing with the younger princess won't get them anywhere.

"Then Raphtalia, you go with the second princess."

"B-But what about you, Naofumi-sama?"

"And what about me?" Filo added.

"Me and Filo will be close by."

As he said this, Raphtalia quickly put on the robe in order to follow Melty towards the front doors to greet the guards.

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