Chapter 6: Training of your life

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"Here I go!"

Garfiel shouts at the top of his lungs before charging at Raphtalia, starting off their sparring match. He charges with incredible speed towards her, beginning this fight on the offense.

Raphtalia looked as she waited until the demi human boy was close enough to be able to read what his attack's going to be. Once Garfiel was close to her, he swung his right arm to try and land a punch on her.

Raphtalia quickly moves out of the way, avoiding the attack while also going for an attack of her own. She swung her sword directly towards Garfiel's head.

Without any hesitation, the demi human moved his left arm up swiftly to block the attack.

As he did this, he was able to move his right leg quick enough to try a hit on his opponent's head.

Raphtalia noticed this and quickly was able to block it with her left arm. As she was able to do this, Garfiel's strength was a bit too strong for her to handle which forced her to jump away.

'He's very strong!' Raphtalia thought as she quickly jumped back, gaining some distance from her opponent. She could see that in a physical fight, she would clearly lose to Garfiel. 'I'll have to beat him with pure skills.'

While she was thinking, Garfiel was thinking of how Raphtalia's defense was.

'She's really sharp n'fast! My amazin' self'll have t'get close if I wanna win th's fight.' As Garfiel thought this, he prepared his next move. He observed her stance for a moment before quickly charging once again.

As he closed the gap once again, he started to throw a barrage of punches. Raphtalia noticed this, prompting her to quickly dodge and deflect each attack thrown towards her.

"Yer'n amazin' sword fighter! But let's see ya handle th's!"

Garfiel began to increase his attacks, making them hard to follow. Raphtalia took notice of this, seeing that Garfiel's strategy is to do attacks that can't be read so easily, forcing her to deflect on the spot.

As she continues to be on the defensive side, she starts to notice that each punch Garfiel throws were becoming faster and stronger to the point where she was slowly losing her grasp on the fight.

'I must be careful. If I get hit by Garf's attacks, I will surely lose!' As she thinks this, she looks at Naofumi for a moment to see that he's observing the sparring match between her and Garfiel. 'I can't lose in front of Naofumi-sama!'

Raphtalia looked back at Garfiel, continuing to dodge everything he had before finding the opening she needed. Once this happened, she charged at Garfiel and just barely managed to slice off a piece of his hair.


"Almost got you there, Garf."

Garfiel quickly went into defense as Raphtalia started to throw her own barrage of attacks, swinging her sword with great precision.

'Her swordsmanship's amazin'. I gotta find my openin'.'

Garfiel focuses closely on the fightin patterns Raphtalia was showing, trying to find an opening. After a brief moment, he quickly jumped high up to break Raphtalia's fighting pattern.

As he manages this, he quickly dives towards her direction with his left leg charging towards her. Raphtalia saw this and only had three seconds to quickly react to this attack.

She jumped out of the way just as Garfiel landed on the ground, causing a massive crater with just his left leg alone.

He was expecting this and with the dust all around, it gave him a chance to charge right in at Raphtalia, pushing her back with most of his strength.

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