Kamikaze Shooters

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This is technically a Fitz x reader but there's a bit of Swagger x reader too. This is also a three part... series? Might be more parts might not who knows, I don't.

I had decided to throw a bit of a party with all of my online friends, this would be the first time in a while that we could all just hang out. In preparation for this party I made some mixed drinks and some kamikaze shooters. I opted to make the shooters in cute vials that I had “borrowed” from my favorite bar. Everything was set up, now all I had to do was wait for my guests. Kryoz, SMii7Y, and Blarg were the first to arrive and slowly everyone else started to trickle in. Puffer, Grizzy, and so many more people were drinking and chilling in my home, it felt nice to finally see everyone again. Though all of these people were here I couldn't help but feel saddened about the lack of certain people. The Misfits. It was upsetting but at least others had come, I was planning on having fun with or without them. As I started to drink a bit more heavily, there's a slight sound of excited greeting from my living room. I walked over and saw that more people had entered the party. The first person I see is Fitz, the tall man being too hard to miss. I greet all of the Misfits excitedly and show them to the drinks. This was bound to be a fun night especially since everyone was here now. 

As soon as the Misfits arrived I had started passing out shots to whoever wanted to take them. I threw one back with everyone else who took one, everyone cheering after drinking the sweet but tart shot. While drinking the other mixed drinks I had made previously, talking with whomever wanted to speak with me. "Hey! (Y/N)!" I turn and see Fitz walking over with two kamikaze shooters, a smirk etched on his face. "What's up, Cam?" I smile back, the buzz of the night's activities starting to hit me all at once. He chuckles, "I have an idea and it has something to do with you and these lil shots you made." I nod slowly, a confused quirk playing at my eyebrows, "And what would that idea be…?" Another chuckle leaves his lips, "Lemme show you." I was hesitant at first but shrugged. I mean, what's the worst that could happen? The shot spills on me? As if I haven't already slightly spilt on myself tonight.

Cam motions me to come in closer and I hastily oblige, his smirk still resting upon his mouth. He quickly opens the test tube looking vial and inserts the bottom of it into his mouth…? What was he planning on… before I could finish my thought Fitz gently grabbed the sides of my neck with both of his hands, his pinkies and ring fingers rested on my cheeks lightly. His fingers tilted my face slightly up as he bends down so that the opening of the vial is level with my mouth. Without a second thought I took the vial in my mouth and with that, Cam stood up. This effectively poured the shot down my throat with ease, I took the empty glass out of my mouth and looked at this giraffe of a man as if he was crazy. My eyes were wide and my cheeks were almost definitely a slight shade of pink, what the fuck was up with that? With yet another chuckle Fitz says, "Alright, it's my turn now!" And hands me the second vial. "Bro, what?" His smirk has yet to falter as he explains, "Well, you got your turn… it's only fair that you do the same for me." He shrugs at my confused expression and bends down the exact same way he just had.

I think for but a moment before deciding to just go for it, fuck it. I gently bite down on the tail end of the vial and carefully try to maneuver so that I wouldn't spill alcohol all over Fitz. I had to grab onto his face the same way he did mine, the scruff of his beard brushed roughly against my soft finger tips. His hands had gripped lightly on my waist, I hadn't even noticed it at first, the vial made contact with his lips. He wrapped his mouth around the vial and squatted down further, tipping the vial and taking it from my lips. It worked! Surprisingly, his height wasn't as much of an issue as I had previously thought it would be. He stands up and smiles down at me, "See? That wasn't so hard." I roll my eyes at him and scoff, "You could have given me more of a warning, that would have been nice." All I hear is his soft chuckles as we both start drinking and talking about anything else. It felt kind of awkward but at the same time not really? That was a very intimate thing to do, wasn't it? And now we're just ignoring it? How odd… before I could overthink the situation further, Swagger comes up to talk.

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