An Interesting Night

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Another tattoo au but it's not a shop it's just Fitz covered in tats, smut, enjoy 😏

I tuck the loose strands of hair behind my ear, the elongated nails I was wearing brushing against my cheek. My eyes bounce around the filled club. Loud music rattled the building, bright beams of light flickered all around the room. I looked down at my heeled, black lace up boots and sigh, I felt out of my element. I was brought here with two friends, those two friends had just left to the dance floor. A place I was dreading and really didn't want to enter. My fingers pick anxiously at the fishnets I was wearing, looking back up and watching over my friends. I don't want any weirdo, creeps getting up on them.

Eventually the alcohol I was sipping on pressed into my bladder, I would hate to leave my lovelies but I needed to go. As I washed my hands I observed my dress, the black fabric wrapped around my neck but exposed my collarbones. There was a perfect opening that exposed my cleavage, just a small bit. My eyes scan the tattoos that littered my shoulders, collarbones, and arms. The water shuts off and I go to dry my hands off, sighing to myself. Hopefully I can leave soon.

As I walked out of the bathroom I turned a corner and ran right into another patron, "Oh shit! I'm sorry!" I look up, and up, and up. What the fuck? This guy is tall as fuck. He chuckles, "No, no! I'm sorry, I wasn't paying attention." I nod and smile at the accented voice of this wall I just ran into. As I was about to walk away I noticed his tattooed arms, "Can I see your tats?" My eyes locked with his, I felt excited for the first time tonight. He chuckled again and nodded, "Absolutely!" And his palm lays flat against my lower back, guiding me to the bar.

He pulled out one of the stools and motions for me to sit, I nod and smile as I slip onto the seat. "I'm Cameron, by the way." He sticks out his hand and I shake it, "I'm (Y/N)." He nods and smiles down at me, pushing up his sleeve slightly. I look at the rolled up sleeve, the burgundy silky button up contrasted nicely with the black ink covering his arms. I'm not completely sure where my confidence came from, possibly the liquor, but one of my ringed hands reached out and grabbed his arm. I pulled it closer to my face and observed his tattoos. I allowed my long nails to outline the detailed work. He chuckled again, "Ya like 'em?" I nod and continue to outline the ink. Slowly until my fingertips ran into the rolled up sleeve, my eyes looked into his gaze and I smirk. "Nice ink!" My hand continues to lightly trace against his forearm.

We sat at the bar, conversation came easily between us. I start laughing at some stupid joke he said, he was a legitimately funny guy. One of my hands presses into his clothed thigh as I leaned closer to him, doubling over in laughter. My fit of joy dies down but I don't move away from him, I look into his eyes and smile. My eyes shift from his gaze to his neck, they widen slightly. "I hadn't even noticed this!" Without much thought my hand shoots up to his neck, my fingers brushing along the tattoo delicately. His body stiffened slightly at first but once the initial shock left him, he moved his head to allow me better access to the tattoo. One of his hands even moved the collar of his shirt slightly, which didn't do much to expose the design considering he had most of the buttons undone. He even started telling me why he got it, there was a nice story attached to the piece.

I fully realized what I was doing and had done when I noticed his throat bobbing at my touch. My face flushes slightly and I pull away from him slowly, "It looks really cool…" I trailed off slightly at the small hints of embarrassment. He chuckles and looks down at my arms, "Can I?" I nod and hold out my arm. As I sip from my drink he gently takes my limb and brings it closer to his face, his hand moving my arm around as he observes each tattoo. He nods slowly, "Lots of color, huh?" I giggle, "Of course!" I finish off my drink quickly and watch as he moves on to observe my other arm. My eyes scanned his face, down to his jawline and neck, his shoulders, and I looked at his covered arm. I stopped at his hands and bit down on my bottom lip, my cheeks flushing slightly. "You got any other tattoos?" I flick my eyes to meet his again, he smirked as he met my gaze. A chuckle vibrates in his throat, "Mmhm, wanna tour?" I nod almost too quickly, "Yes, but only if I can show you mine." He chuckled again and nodded, "I'd very much like that."

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