Cute McNasty x reader. Somehow my hyperfixation with Dooo morphed into a hyperfixation with McNasty. I'll try writing for someone who isn't named Eric soon. In the meantime, enjoy 💕
We were once again playing Siege. What a surprise! And I'm not doing well. Another surprising development! Currently I was witnessing my teammates play as I spectated them, I might have killed myself before the round could even fully begin. Blowing myself up happened entirely too often. I was spectating Dooo, sometimes him being bad made me feel better. Everyone was laughing at something Soup had said, I couldn't really remember what he said considering not long after a grotesque belch echoed in someone's mic. "Ew, what the fuck, McNasty?" He just chuckles and carries on. Blarg chuckles, "What? You aren't used to him being absolutely disgusting yet?" I chuckle and swap to spectate McNasty, "No one can truly become completely desensitized to McNasty level burps." Everyone chuckles, probably nodding in some form of agreement behind their screens.
Somehow, McNasty was the last one alive. We were surely doomed. Random jokes and conversation was had over his game play, he was peeking around corners and slowly walking to each room. I start laughing as Soup tries narrating McNasty's movements, "And now he's walking through the doorway, not a single enemy in sight." I chuckle, "The tension in the air is thick. Will. Eric. Clutch. This. Round. The world will soon find out." He turns another corner and instantly blows up, a loud exclamation of, "WHAT THE FUCK?!" and everyone else laughed as we noticed who had killed him. "Aaaaaand there ya have it, folks!" I nod and laugh, "In his search, McNasty had completely missed the claymore that he had previously placed to kill an enemy." Everyone laughs as Soup and I finish our commentary, well except for McNasty. He seemed a bit angry considering he yelled at us to, "Shut the fuck up." Which resulted in everyone poking fun at him.
This time around I manage to not kill myself. But I had decided that I was going to just follow McNasty around. Use him as a human shield. I chuckle, "Is it clear?" I could practically hear him roll his eyes at me, "Maybe you should check." A sigh leaves his lips and I laugh a bit, "Why would I do that? Aren't you supposed to protect me or something?" Blarg cuts in, "When did he say he'd do that and why would you want him to protect you?" I laugh, "It was a silent agreement when we became lovers." There's a quick pause as everyone processes what I've said. Of course McNasty is the first to speak up, "When did we become lovers?" Soup laughs, "That was also a silent agreement when you both blew yourselves up." When the laughter died down we shifted the conversation to the next thing.
"Could you stop following me?" I giggle, "Um, no." He sighs, I love being an absolute nuisance to Eric. It's my favorite hobby. An enemy runs out and on instinct I start firing off shots, none of which were precise. Due to the lack of precision I had shot the teammate I was following, "Oh, shit! I'm sorry!" McNasty actually killed the enemy, I probably only hit them a couple of times and maybe not even then. An angry sigh leaves him, normally he doesn't really care about how well he does in the game. But today seemed to be a bit different, maybe it was just because I was fucking him up more then usual. Regardless, I felt kind of bad for shooting him. I also thought it was funny, though.
McNasty sighed again, "How about you follow someone else next round?" The call erupted at the mention of me following anyone else. Blarg yells, "Hey now, wait a minute." Soup laughs out, "Naw, I'm good." Dooo exclaimed, "Oh, heeeell no." I pout, "What are you guys trying to say, huh? You don't want me around?" I tried keeping it together but I had to laugh, I wouldn't want me following myself around either. Eric plainly says, "Yes, that's exactly what we're saying." I pout again, "Aw, c'mon! You're supposed to love me and protect me, though!" I felt my heart sink slightly, this was all jokes and in good ol' fun. Plus, I don't actually feel that way about him. Nope. Not at all. I take a deep breath in and continue following him in the game.
I was shot dead not long after that, somehow McNasty survived. Well, he's just better at the game then I am so it's not that surprising. "Avenge me, McNasty!" Dooo and Soup, who were also dead, chuckled and said in unison, "Me too!" Blarg scoffs, "What? No one wants me to avenge them?" I laugh, "McNasty can only avenge me, because he has sworn to protect me and failed." Everyone laughs, "I never swore to anything." He still sounded slightly irritated. I think maybe it is time for me to stop bugging him. So, I silently watched the rest of the game. Matt was the one who killed the last enemy and won the round for us. Jokes continued to be made, I just laughed along to them.
I successfully didn't kill myself yet again. While trying to keep from annoying anyone else I was actually focused on the game. Apparently I'm not the absolute worst when I actually pay attention to the game and not on trying to be funny, who knew? Somehow I had gotten through the entire round without dying, it was just me and McNasty. I was hyper focused on the game, trying to actually be stealthy and win. They were talking about something, I couldn't really make anything out.
I peek around a corner and notice someone had placed a claymore down not far from the doorway, as I venture out into the hallway someone runs out in front of me. As I shoot I walk backwards, completely forgetting about the claymore. They're close to dead as I step into the explosive, "FUCK!" I blew up in an instant. I look up at the screen and see that McNasty placed the goddamn thing down, "He was almost dead too!" And not a second later did the exact thing happen again, McNasty walked into one of the explosives. Everyone starts laughing, "They killed each other!" It was a wheeze from Soup, I looked to see that he was right. We fucking blew each other up. I sigh, "I blame Eric." Without missing a beat Dooo cuts in, "What did I do?" I chuckle and roll my eyes, "Oh, you know." He laughs, "I really don't but okaaay." Laughter fills the call for a brief second.
Blarg chuckles, "Maybe you two are perfect for each other." A confused silence takes over, "(Y/N) and McNasty, you two are perfect for each other." I feel my cheeks heat up slightly, what does he mean by that? Soup laughs, "Yeah, I think I agree." We were both very quiet, almost uncomfortably so. I cleared my throat, "How so?" Blarg chuckles, "You're both fucking idiots." Soup laughs and expresses his agreement, Dooo chuckles along. I nod slowly, the lump in my throat making it hard to breathe. When did that even happen? Why was my face still hot? I nervously chuckle, "Oh, uh, yeah." I hear McNasty chuckle too. I couldn't tell if his was nervous or wavering at all. This was kind of awkward.
We continued to play for another hour, I was mostly quiet but still cracking a joke here and there. If asked I would just blame it on fatigue. McNasty had also grown slightly quiet. We had finished a game and surprisingly won, there was a brief moment where we all celebrated the victory. "Well, I'm going to fuck off." I receive a barrage of goodbyes as I leave Siege and leave the Discord call, I turn off my recording and sigh. What an odd session, honestly.
As I turn my computer off and leave my office I feel my phone buzz, I was shocked to see it was from Eric. "sorry if i upset you earlier i will protect you next time, lover ;)" I furrow my eyebrows in confusion and my face grows warmer as I try to decipher what this text means. It's a joke, yeah? Yeah. It has to be a joke. I chuckle slightly to myself, feeling my heart sink at the idea of this being nothing more than a joke. But it had to be there's no way, "Upset me? I'm pretty sure I'm the one who upset you. I thought we weren't lovers?" I flop down on my couch and turn on a random show. I need some background noise while I scroll through Twitter and Instagram. Another message comes through, "it was a silent agreement" I giggle to myself and roll my eyes. Why is he acting like he wasn't frustrated with me earlier? This has to be some sort of prank. Before I could send anything, my phone buzzes, "and we're perfect for each other"

random fics about youtubers i enjoy
Fanfictionall of these are reader inserts, i write for any youtuber i'm hyperfixating on at the time 😃 requests are open! comment or message me what you'd like to see and I can try and make it happen 😊 fluff, smut, and only some angst 😏 enjoy 🥰