Making Breakfast

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I don't really go into detail of which Eric this is, I wrote it with McNasty in mind but remembered that he's vegan... or was vegan... my goons lore could possibly not be up to date, so picture this as whichever Eric you want, enjoy 🥰

My eyes flutter open, squinting immediately at the soft rays of light that entered the room. I rub gently at my eyes as they adjust to the new lighting. My body is pulled back slightly, a low grumble is heard from behind me. I giggle as I feel him bury his face into my hair. I allow myself to melt slightly into his soft touch, closing my eyes for a brief moment. I love mornings like these.

With a yawn and a stretch I sit up, leaving the warmth of my bed and Eric. He grunted in protest, I giggled and left a small peck on his forehead. I wanted to make us breakfast this morning and I knew that if I stayed in bed for a second longer that wouldn't happen. Another yawn ripples through my body as I stand up, I pull my hair up into a messy bun and make my way downstairs.

The pancake mix sat beside the stove as I prepared the rest of our breakfast. Two skillets would be enough, I'm sure. I pour the mix into the larger skillet and line the slightly smaller one with raw bacon. As the food begins to cook I walk away and start our coffee pot. I quietly play some music in the kitchen, singing along with the frequently listened to playlist. The smells and sounds of cooking washing a sort of calm over me, today was going to be a good day.

I flipped the final pancake, the bacon was resting on a plate lined with paper towels. I start the eggs in the remaining bacon grease, I rush over to the toaster and feed it the bread slices. The coffee was next, I pulled out two mugs and placed them in front of the freshly brewed coffee. I make each cup exactly how we both like our coffee. After stirring the liquid I walked back to the stove, flipping and seasoning the eggs quickly. I checked on the pancake, it wasn't quite ready yet.

A shocked yelp left my lips as I jumped slightly, a pair of arms wrapped around me. My rapidly beating heart slowed as I realized it was Eric, he chuckled, "Good morning, babe." I giggle slightly and feel a warmth rush to my cheeks, "You just scared the absolute shit out of me and all you can say is good morning?" He leans down while chuckling again, burying his face into my shoulder. "Sorry about that." I roll my eyes playfully and quickly take the eggs off of the skillet, placing them next to the bacon. "Good morning to you too." He nods, satisfied.

The toast ejects itself from the toaster, "Could you get that, please?" He groans slightly but walks away. I sigh at the loss of his warmth, I check the pancake again and smile. Breakfast is officially done, now to serve it. Eric quietly butters the toast while I prepare our plates, he places the toast on our respective plates and grabs the mugs of warm coffee. We sit at the table and quietly eat. There was something sweet about the silence.

Once we finished eating we cleaned up all of the dirty dishes I had made. We sang along to songs together and talked about our plans for the rest of the day. I wanted us to cuddle all day, it would have been nice and relaxing. But we sadly couldn't, he needed to get work done and I needed to get stuff for the house. Why couldn't mornings like these last all day? I sigh and wrap my arms around him in a comforting hug, "I'll see you in a few hours." He hugged back and placed a small peck to the top of my head, "I love you, (Y/N)." I smile warmly and feel my cheeks flush, "I love you too."

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