My New Neighbor is an "Accountant"

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Swagger x reader this might get a bit spicy but not too bad might make a part two but idk enjoy 😏

(Y/N) had been living in a quiet little neighborhood all in her lonesome. The house she was living in was a decent two story home, it was truly a wonder how the bachelorette could afford it all on her own. She must be some sort of business woman, but she rarely left her home. No one in the neighborhood knew what she did, no one really knew anything about her. Not even her next door neighbors knew much about her, she kept to herself and rarely talked to anyone beyond some small talk. Not that anyone cared, the whole neighborhood mostly kept to their own. But the neighborhood also consisted mostly of two income households. There was just something peculiar about (Y/N) and her situation. Maybe she was using her family's money? Maybe she just works from home? What if she was involved in something illegal? That couldn't be right, though. She just looked so... innocent. It was a small fascination, to say the least. No one spoke ill of her, they just wanted to know how she did it. No rumors, just a wandering thought spoken in passing. No one thought to ask either, afraid they would overstep. Not that they'd get a straight answer from her anyway, "Oh, I just work from home!" And if anyone were to press further she would simply respond with, "Accounting!" She'd say it just like that too. Every word of hers dripped with excitement or happiness, they would believe her too. Just because of that fact. It didn't matter if her excuse made much sense either. She was just too kind to be involved in anything illegal or unsightly. So, the quiet neighborhood moved on. The single woman's situation has not been a topic of interest for a while now. That was until there was a new buzz in the quiet neighborhood. Which was the fact that someone was moving out, the house directly beside (Y/N)'s home. It was sad to see the familiar family leave but just as equally exciting to see who the new inhibitors would be. Maybe they could figure out the occupation of the sweet woman next door?

It didn't take long for someone new to move into the now empty house, yet another single person buying a house all alone. This was a very interesting development for the neighborhood. No one wanted to ask him, no one really thought too much of it either. Assuming the same things they had about (Y/N), the general consensus was that he was just as much of an enigma as the woman. While talking with some of his new neighbors he had mentioned occupation, which led to an opening that no one in the murmuring neighborhood could ignore. "Oh, I'm an internet entertainer." The news spread fast, gossip did not normally take place in this quiet neighborhood but for some reason these two single people had everyone buzzing. The thought that maybe (Y/N) had the same line of work spread also, the idea hadn't crossed anyone's mind until Eric had moved in. As the newcomer settled in, the neighborhood had finally started to grow quiet again. No more buzzing about the lives of a single woman in a big house all alone. Content with their own conclusions to the odd mystery. And they were correct, for the most part. She was, in fact, an internet entertainer of sorts. Just not quite in the way they had thought, not that they would ever find that out.

Eric had only said a few things to his new neighbor. Just the occasional, "Hey, how ya doin'?" Or, "Nice weather we've been havin' lately." Just normal, awkward neighbor rhetoric. He wanted to get to know her a bit better, she seemed sweet and she was admittedly attractive. He just couldn't figure out how to do that without seeming like some sort of creep. So, he didn't even try. Eric had not even seen his lovely neighbor in quite some time, she wasn't one to leave the house often. He didn't think it was too odd, if he didn't have so much to do for his career he probably would be a homebody too.

Today, like most other days, he was streaming. It was some random game he had just so happened to stumble across. He left his office door slightly ajar while playing the game, which caused his cats to wander in and out of the room as they pleased. His flat faced feline jumped into the nearby windowsill, a frustrated sigh came from the man. "Bean! Get the fuck down!" The cat started to bat at the dangling string connected to the window's blinds. A growl leaves the infuriated man's lips as he stands up to remove his pet from the window. He approaches the indifferent cat and picks him up, the cat meows lazily in protest. That's when something caught Eric's attention, something that was so jarring that he stood in place just staring for a few slow seconds. He quickly pulled down the blinds, pulling the curtains together as an extra measure. Without really processing what he had just witnessed his innocent looking neighbor doing. With the same shocked expression adorning his features Eric looks at his screen and remembers his stream. "So... I just witnessed my neighbor filming a... porn? I think..." The chat blew up immediately. Asking for details. Congratulating him? He really didn't read any of the messages, he just sat there in his confusion.

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