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Yet another Fitz x reader, its kinda fluffy and they're in college? Idk enjoy 😊

I'm here every Friday. At the exact same time, maybe only a few minutes late or early. I came and sat in the same isolated corner of the library. Every Friday. Just to act as if I was studying or reading. Sometimes I would actually do my homework. Well, a portion of it anyways. It was so hard to focus on anything. Especially since she was here. The whole reason I came here, the only reason I bothered to come to this isolated spot in the library. She always sat in the same spot too, directly in my line of view. Reading a new book series, she really seemed to enjoy horror books. Occasionally she read romance, but not often. Or she'd do homework, actually do homework. It felt odd gawking at her, creepy almost. I felt so gross. Just staring at a girl minding her business. I just couldn't help but to look at her, stare at her. There was just something so different about her. I tried talking to her, thought about introducing myself. But I couldn't, I was so awkward around her. She felt untouchable.

I remember the first time I saw her, sitting there and reading. How a glimpse of her concentrated face took my breath away. I had entered the library with a few of my friends. We needed to get a book for a class we shared, none of us really wanted to be there so we were kind of being a nuisance. We were being pretty loud and obnoxious, looking back I feel like such a dick for it. Somehow, by some damn miracle we found the book (I can't for the life of me remember what the book was or even what class it was for at this point). While walking to the desk in the middle of the library to check out the book I saw her. She was hunched over a book, her hair covering her face slightly. At first I didn't really look at her for long, but my eyes flicked back to her as she tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. She sat up a bit straighter, I couldn't see her eyes fully but I could see a sparkle of wonder in them. Time had felt like it stopped, I stared at her for an embarrassing amount of time.

"What ya lookin' at, Cam?" I look down to see Eric, I chuckle nervously. Thinking of a lie I could tell, I didn't need anyone teasing me for gawking at some girl. I shrug, "Just zonin' out, shit's boring." He chuckles and nods in agreement. We had decided to use the same book and have one person check it out, it's not like we cared all that much about the project or book as a whole. I place the book on the desk and smile sheepishly, all confidence out the window, "I'd like to, uh, check out this book." I heard Mason shout and Eric laugh loudly, I flinch. Overly aware of how annoying we could be to everyone here, to her. The librarian glared at me slightly, but allowed me to check out the book all the same. I look back to see that girl looking at the commotion, looking at me and my friends. Fuck! I looked away, that annoyed and disgusted expression burned into my head. We had secured the book and a return date. I quickly walked out of the library. All of my friends followed behind me, still being obnoxious. That was a Friday, the following Friday would be the day I needed to return the book. All I could think about was if she'd be there again.

When I returned the book she was there again, reading a different book but sitting in the same spot. The entire time I was checking the book in, I couldn't take my eyes off of her. I didn't even care about the dirty look the librarian gave me. She sat up straight, I could picture that twinkle in her eyes. The librarian grumbled about how my book was turned in, without really thinking I walked towards the mostly empty table. I needed to talk to her, to get to know her. Then I remembered that annoyed expression, the one she gave me and my friends. I walked right past her table at the last second, walking to the shelves. I picked out a random book, still staring at her in awe. Now I could see her face, her brows were furrowed in concentration. She was moving her lips to the words she was reading, it was the cutest thing I think I had ever seen. I slowly walked to a table, one far from her own. A table that had somehow become mine every Friday. I watched as her features changed with each turn of the page until her phone went off and she left, taking the book with her. That would most likely be the last time I would see her or be in the library, maybe I'd see her on campus someday. Dammit.

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