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Another dooo x reader 😈 this is is going to be spicy though so 👀 enjoy virgin boy getting laid 🥰

I sigh as I knock on the door, hoping that Eric would actually be here. His car was here, he said I could come over. It's not the worst thing if he isn't, though, his mom is always willing to talk to me. Speaking of, the door opens to reveal his mom. Her confused expression quickly melted into a bright smile, "Well, hi, (Y/N)!" I attempt to smile just as brightly, "Hey!" She moves out of the way of the door, opening the door wider. I walk in and look around the familiar home, "What's brought you here?" I turn with that same smile still playing at my features, "Oh, you know… Eric, as always." She chuckles a bit and closes the door. "Well, he's in his room… as always." I nod and giggle a bit. We stood there for a few minutes just catching up, talking with his mom always seemed to be the best part about swinging by. "Well, I've gotta go now. Don't wanna keep ya waitin'." We bid our goodbyes and I bound down the stairs. At this point I walked around his house like I also lived in it. Now time to bother the living hell out of Eric.

As my feet hit the bottom of the steps I turn to walk down the hallway to his bedroom. I could see that his door was partially cracked, light flickering from the dark room. My eyes roll and I sigh, anytime I come over he'd have his light off while doing anything on his PC. I always turned the light on to tell him I was now present. I reach the barely opened door and grasp the doorknob, opening it slightly more. Normally I would just burst into the room but before I could I stopped. My body froze in complete shock at the scene playing out in front of me. My jaw dropped as my eyes were fixed upon my friend who was currently masturbating at his desk. What the fuck? Why is the fucking door open? I should leave. I need to walk away and forget about this. I'll talk to him later.

I couldn't move. The amount of shock I felt kept me cemented in place. My eyes were fixed on his hand, they hadn't moved at all since I had noticed it. The veins that I had normally only seen when he played guitar were on full display. His veins popping out in an oddly hypnotic way. I noticed his hand keeping a steady pace as he twitched slightly in his palm. My eyes finally focused on something else, unfortunately that was what his hand was wrapped around. At this point the only part of my body that could move was my eyes, shock was still rippling through my body. As his hand pumped his hardened member I noticed that he had small veins pulsating around the skin in nearly the same way they did on his arms. The occasional buds of precum pooling at his tip to the point that it would speed down his shaft. His hand moved quickly over the liquid with ease, using it as a sort of lubricant. I can't believe I'm just watching this. I need to go. Now!

My brain and my body were definitely not on the same page because I stood still, hand still gripping the now warm doorknob. I only just now realized how hot my face felt, how my entire body tingled with embarrassment and shock. While watching him twitch slightly I noticed the way he was sitting in his little office chair. Fuck. My eyes trailed along his entire body. His back was arched slightly off of the chair, head thrown back in a way I've only ever seen him do when he was getting really into a song. His free hand rakes through his disheveled hair quickly. My eyes shifted to his face, his face was contorted in a mix of pure pleasure and concentration. His eyes were shut tightly as he worked himself up. Without much thought my eyes shifted back to his hand and snaked up his bare arm. Every muscle in his arm flexed intensely with his movements. This was so wrong. What am I? A fucking creep?

I'm crashed back into reality when I heard him groan out. My body has all function now. I step back from the door ever-so-slightly, still watching as he desperately tries getting to his release. I'm just going to leave, I definitely can't face him right now after witnessing all of that. But I was still somewhat glued in place. I wasn't directly in front of the door anymore, my hand no longer grasping the knob. His legs started spasming slightly and he started groaning out more often. With my newfound motor skills I pressed my thighs together tightly, I hadn't even realized how uncomfortably wet I had gotten. Dammit. This was so gross of me to do, I need to go.

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