Part three baby and probably the last part 😎
The day after the party I had decided that I would go back to the Airbnb the Misfits were renting, to get my cooler and to help them clean up the mess I'm sure was left. I shoot a snarky text to Fitz, asking him to tell me when everyone staying in the house would be up. I didn't really feel like stepping on anyone's toes while they went through their morning routine. So, I went ahead and did my morning routine. I picked out a simple and comfortable outfit for the day, I then turned to the shower. I washed all of the grime of the day prior off of my body, allowing the warm water to wash away my worries. It was oddly therapeutic. Once I had snapped back to reality I turned the water off and dried off, I put the plain outfit on. Looking at myself in the mirror I smile a bit, I could feel a slight blush grow on my face. Today is going to be a good day, I'm going to shoot my shot. Last night when I couldn't really fall asleep I raked over all of this new found information about my not-so-subtle feelings for one of my best friends, and thus decided I would confront those feelings with Fitz. I mean, the worst that could happen is he rejects me… but he wouldn't do that, right? He's been heavy on the flirting and teasing front so that was proof enough that he most likely felt the same way. I sigh, I always overthink these kinds of things. Rolling my eyes at myself I finish up my morning routine and leave my hotel room, walking to the elevator and going to the ground floor. I need something extremely greasy, I could feel the very slight hangover starting to actually affect my mood. While eating I had gotten a text back from Cam, stating that I didn't need to help them clean but that everyone was awake and eating right that very moment. I smile at my screen and nod slightly, sending a quick message about how it'd be there soon. I finish my breakfast and leave the hotel, hopping in my car and plugging the address into my phone. Excitement and nerves had completely taken over my mind while I drove on. All is well, all will be well. I have absolutely nothing to really worry about. Right?
Oh how desperately wrong I was to assume such a thing. This was absolutely terrible, not to mention embarrassing. This was one of those embarrassing moments you look back on at three in the morning when you can't fall asleep no matter how much time has passed, I will undoubtedly be thinking back on this moment on my deathbed. It will be the memory that takes me out, my heart will completely stop beating after I recall this exact moment sixty years from now. The day had started out so promising too, I had helped clean up the surprising little amount of mess there was left. Fitz and I had stayed near each other the entire time, talking about whatever we could think of. I even thought we had been flirting for the most part, not that I'm any good at that but it felt like that's what was happening. I had felt so confident in our flirting and chatting to the point that I no longer felt nervous. I was thinking of the best possible time to confront these feelings the entire time I was there, I didn't really want to do anything in front of everyone so I had opted for when I leave. And finally after two hours of cleaning, that's counting the groups multiple breaks and all of us just fucking around occasionally, we were done. Sadly, I couldn't stay for much longer. I bid my goodbyes to the Misfits and before I could ask Fitz to possibly walk me out to my vehicle, he offered to see me out. We made it to my car door, it's open and I could just sit down and drive off but I didn't. I stayed there, standing in my car's open doorway and talking with the tall man. Blushing as I thought of what to say or do. Cam steps away and starts with his departure, before registering my actions I grab ahold of his shoulders and try desperately to reach his lips with my own. A goodbye kiss is a solid way to tell someone you're attracted to them, right? But before my lips could crash into his, he stepped away from my touch. Stopping in my tracks I take in his stature, he's rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly and looking down at his feet. Fuck. I just fucked up, bad. With a nervous chuckle and the entirety of my face heating up with pure, hot embarrassment I shake my head furiously. My breath was catching in my throat, holding my words hostage. "Sorry…" it's nothing more than a sad mumble, "I'm just going to, uh, go…" I mumble the words that were choking me just a second ago and sit in my car. Shutting my car door solemnly, I start my car and just drive off. God, I was so stupid thinking he would ever be into me. All of that, all of the proof I thought I had, he did all of that while inebriated. He was just drunk or high. How could I forget that? How could I embarrass myself so severely like that? I just ruined a perfectly good friendship, along with whatever dignity I had. So fucking stupid.

random fics about youtubers i enjoy
Fanfictionall of these are reader inserts, i write for any youtuber i'm hyperfixating on at the time 😃 requests are open! comment or message me what you'd like to see and I can try and make it happen 😊 fluff, smut, and only some angst 😏 enjoy 🥰