"I Really Am Sorry."

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Another fic for BigT. His ADHD ridden ass takes up most of my thoughts throughout the day. I uploaded this to my Kinktober book first! So it is smut and it takes place in a shower. With that, enjoy 🥰

A quiet sound croaks in her raspy throat, she squints her eyes upward as her body stretches in an attempt to wake her fully. As her body shakes due to it reaching its stretched out limit, a sigh leaves her lips and her eyes open fully. Feeling much more awake now (Y/N) reached for her phone, she had a message, "Went to the gym. Breakfast when I get back?" A smile broke out over her lips. With a quick confirmation back to her boyfriend she wiggles the comforter off of her body, she was in desperate need of a shower.

She easily navigated Tanner's bathroom, realizing that maybe she stays the night a little bit too frequently. No matter, (Y/N) turns on a small bluetooth speaker that he keeps in his room, bringing it to the bathroom so she has some sort of background noise. She also assumed she'd be here alone for a while so why not have a little concert in her boyfriend's shower? Once she had stepped into the warm stream of water a satisfied hum sounded in her throat. As she allowed the water to run over her body and hair the music that filled the small tiled room washed over her. She bobbed her head to the music and eventually started to sing along with the artist. This was peaceful.

The front door swings open and the four men walk in, still full of energy. Tanner quickly bounds up the steps, "I call the shower first!" A dejected, "Bro..." sounds from Larry as Tanner rushes to his room. A frown morphs on his face, guess she didn't want to get breakfast. With a small sigh he shuts his door and walks towards the bathroom. He opens the door and confusion fills him. The bathroom was steamed and there was music playing from his speaker? A grin broke out on his features as he heard a familiar hum. His joyful grin quickly turned into an almost cartoonishly evil smirk.

Tanner quickly walked in front of the bathtub and grabbed the shower curtain, quickly pulling the plastic sheet to the side. He let out an, "Ah!" That sounded less like an actual scream or yell and more like a gotcha. (Y/N) jumped at the sudden sounds and shrieked at the fear of some crazed murderer seeing her completely naked before stabbing her. With her hand over her heart, a glare took over her features, "Tanner!" At this point he was already doubled over in laughter, as if he hadn't just gave his girlfriend a fucking heart attack. As he continued to laugh (Y/N)'s irritation melted, her glare becoming more playful than serious. But she didn't want him to know that, to know that around him she couldn't help but to smile and laugh. So she grabbed the curtain and "angrily" shut it in his gleeful face, smiling slightly as he gasped to calm his laughing fit.

She resumed her shower, allowing the water to trickle all along her body. Trying really hard not to laugh along with Tanner. He finally settled his giggles and sighed, "I'm sorry, babe." A feigned scoff left her, somehow sounding louder than the music. "C'mon, I didn't mean to scare you." She snorted quietly, he obviously did considering the glimpse of his smirk she had caught when he opened the shower curtain, "Yeah, sure." The sarcasm that flowed with those words left Tanner a bit nervous. Like he had actually pissed her off. She smiled softly as a nervous chuckle sounded from the other side of the plastic, "No, really, I just wanted to... uh join you." A shiver rushed through (Y/N)'s spine and a blush painted her cheeks. She had always viewed showering together as such an intimate act, even when it didn't lead to sex.

She took in a deep breath and tried to find something to say, some way to push his buttons a bit more. But her mind was now muddled with thoughts of her and Tanner bathing together. Her mouth opened, ready with a small quip that honestly might fall flat, but before words could leave her he had poked his head past the curtain and gave his normal goofy grin, "Can I?" The jig was up. She felt the whole angry act dissipate with the steam in the room. (Y/N) gave a small smile and nodded, "Of course you can." And turned around to face the running water, attempting to hide the blush that painted her cheeks.

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