Fuck Having a Praise Kink

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Enjoy yet another Fitz x reader, I'm sorry I'm hyperfixated on the giraffe man 😔

I was recording CS:GO (yeah, I know, the game's old as hell and not that great but I didn't start this recording session so I legally cannot be blamed) with some of my friends. Fitz, Swagger, Tobi, and Kryoz were in the call yelling. I was currently the only living player on our team and I was trying really hard to actually win a round for us? I'm not sure why I cared about it, sometimes I just enjoyed actually playing the game. It was becoming very difficult to focus on sneaking around to try and find the bomb with three men yelling in my ear. Tobi was trying her hardest to announce each of my movements as if she was a radio host for a sports channel. Even with the constant noise from my supposed comrades, I was able to focus on the task at hand. While turning a corner I spotted the last remaining enemy and shot them dead, a small squeal definitely slipped past my lips. With just enough time I was able to defuse the bomb and get our team our first win of the session. We had been recording for an hour and a half at this point. I really don't know why I cared about actually getting a win because of that fact. We all cheered at the victory and my uncharacteristically effective playing. Everyone was telling me how well I did and that they were impressed, it definitely made me feel really good about myself. It made me want to try for the rest of the recording session, even.

"You did so well!" I feel my cheeks heat up a bit, my nerves heightened at the sudden praise from the one person I didn't expect it from. I giggle a bit, "Thaaaanks." The word sounded a bit like a squeal. Tobi chuckles knowingly, I feel my blush darken. She was up to something. I didn't give it too much thought until I was one of the few people left alive on our team once again. I was being spectated by Fitz and Tobi, I heard Tobi chuckle again. My eyebrows raised but my focus was back on the game when I saw another enemy, I somehow don't freak the fuck out and killed them. "Good job!" I feel my face start to heat up again. I see what Tobi was doing now. I mumble a quick, "Thank you, Fitz." And try to carry on with the round. I got another kill, "Good kill, (Y/N)." this time his smirk was audible. That son of a bitch. I covered my face up with my hands, my face was very red right now. All I could do was giggle to myself, fuck having a praise kink. Because I covered my face and pulled away from my keyboard, I had died. Which was whatever considering this utter bullshit that was happening to me currently.

I picked up my phone, "Wtf what did you tell him?" I hear another chuckle from Tobi, she definitely read my message. I wasn't even listening to whatever bit Kryoz and Swagger were currently doing, I just laughed when everyone else laughed. I was so distracted by all of this, I feel so betrayed. My phone buzzes, "Why, whatever do you mean?" A scoff leaves my mouth, why was she doing this to me? The round ended with our second victory, time for our next round I guess. While waiting to be freed someone had started another random ass bit that I was barely listening to. There's a chuckle from Fitz that I just so happened to hear, "You've been doing really well today, (Y/N)." I feel my cheeks heat up again. I mumble out another meek, "Thanks." The shit eating grin he had on his lips was almost palpable, "I'm so proud of you!" My eyes widen and my face only heats up more. I pulled my long sleeves down to cover my hands so I could cover up my blushing face completely. The squeal that emitted from my throat sounded very fangirlish and it would have been embarrassing if I was focused on that at the moment. Kryoz and Tobi start cackling, fucking assholes. This session was going to be the death of me.

I progressively got worse as we continued playing, I just couldn't concentrate. Even when I was dying I would get a, "Nice try!" Or a, "You'll bounce back, don't worry." Which wasn't really praise but it was still making me so flustered. I was once again the last remaining player on our team and I had enough time to cool down a bit and focus. While trying to locate the bomb I shoot one enemy and knife another that essentially popped out of no where. I was very much impressed with the kills, I'm normally dog shit. Once I find the bomb I defuse it and win the final round of this match. Overall, we lost, but at least I did well. Without really processing it, I hear a mischievous chuckle come from Fitz, "Good girl." I folded immediately. That shit not only had me falling to the floor but also arching my back, at least that's how I felt on the inside. What was that? My face heats up and my sleeves are covering the blush once again, everyone in the call starts laughing almost maniacally. I grab my phone after a few seconds of literally dying, "Now, why would you tell him to say that to me?" I just knew it had to have been Tobi's doing.

I reluctantly played a few more matches, my skill level had decreased considerably. Although the praising stopped, I was no longer blushing every round. I was now able to be a part of the jokes and laugh along while paying attention, the session was going swimmingly if I just ignored all of my earlier embarrassment. Now our recording was coming to a close and we were all just chilling in discord talking about whatever. A yawn unwillingly escapes past my lips as I stretch a bit. "Well, I'm gonna get off of here. Bye!" Everyone bids their goodbyes, except one person. "Bye, (Y/N)!" I could hear that damned smirk in his voice, I even narrowed my eyes a bit in suspicion. I hesitate a bit, "I'll talk to you guys later." And right as I was about to disconnect from the call all I heard was a very quick, "Good girl." My blush returned in full effect, it almost felt like the most intense blush of the night. What a dick!

I save my recording and leave my little office, heading straight to bed. I needed to sleep all of this bullshit off. As soon as I get comfy in my bed, my phone buzzes. "It better be Tobi… she's got a lot of explaining to do." My eyes widen when I see that it's, in fact, not Tobi. "U free tomorrow?" I nod to myself, I am but do I want to tell Fitz that? I sigh, "Yeah, why?" I started to chew on my fingernails in anticipation, why did he want to know? "K we should record :)" I glare at my screen and cautiously type back a simple, "Okay…" I sigh, maybe I didn't have to worry about this shit again. It was probably a one-time thing because Tobi enabled it. I nod to myself, yeah, that's gotta be it. My phone violently buzzes again, "Cool i'll talk to u then." Why was I so nervous? While looking at my screen in relief another message pops up on the screen. A message that causes my relief to quickly fade and my face to heat up for the umpteenth time tonight, "Oh and also  you're such a good girl ;)" I decided to just place my phone on my bedside table and ignore it. Fuck having a praise kink.

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