An Unexpected Visitor

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Apparently, Snape wasn’t here. He’d left the Carrows in charge for the time being. I knew how they operated and it meant nothing good. Everyone who had stayed at Hogwarts for a seventh year must have had hell.

            Harry went to speak with the ghost of Ravenclaw while Hermione, Ron, and I decided to alert Professor McGonagall of what was going on. Before he rushed off, he told us that Voldemort had his eyes set on Hogwarts and that he was planning on coming that night. She had the right to know. After all, Hogwarts could be attacked at any given moment.

            As we walked to her office, we stumbled across two very familiar faces: Amycus and Alecto Callow. Before either had a chance to act, Hermione and I stunned them and binded their limbs together. The siblings collapsed onto the hard stone ground. I looked up at Ron and Hermione as I hovered over their bodies. “We’ll have to wipe their memories,” I said. Nodding, he crouched down beside me.

            “Obliviate,” he said, pointing his wand at Alecto. He whispered the spell once more before pointing his wand toward Amycus.

            “Mr. Malfoy?” I turned to see Professor McGonagall rushing toward me. Her eyes were wide with shock and, possibly, fear. I wasn’t sure if that was due to the fact that two teachers lay unconscious on the ground or if it was because she, along with everyone else, believed me to be missing in action. She stopped in front of me and put her hands on my shoulders, like she couldn’t believe that it was really me standing before her. “You’re alive?” I nodded, a small smile forming at my mouth. “And Miss Blake?”

            “She’s fine,” I said. “We’re both well.”

            “Professor,” interrupted Hermione as McGonagall opened her mouth to speak. “We were actually coming to find you . . . to tell you what’s been going on.”

            “First, we should probably shove these two into a broom closet or something,” said Ron. Professor McGonagall nodded as Ron and I pulled the two around the corner. Even with Hermione helping with the legs, Alecto had to weigh at least two hundred pounds. Ron opened the door and stuffed the Carrows inside.

            “We’ll talk in my office,” she said, leading us down empty corridors. It was past nine. Everyone was supposed to be in the dormitories by now. Opening a door, she gestured for us to go inside and have a seat. There was no time to waste, so I started with the night Liana and I left Hogwarts. I told her why I left and what I was.

            “I brought Liana along because I thought it would be more dangerous for her to stay. He or anyone else could have gotten whatever they wanted out of her. I couldn’t afford for that to happen. After we lived in Salem for a while, the Lestranges found us. Luckily we were able to get away. We went to France and stayed with Liana’s grandparents. After we got into a fight and she kicked me out, I stayed with Fred and George. I found out that Liana was kidnapped so I went to rescue her. They locked me in the cellar, along with Harry and Ron. My aunt tortured Hermione,” I explained, leaving out the horcruxes. Thanks to Dobby we were able to escape. We stayed at Shell Cottage until now. We had to come here and try to find a way to stop Him. We triggered the alarms in Hogsmeade, so I think he knows that we’re here. Or at least that Harry’s here. And he’ll kill whoever he has to in order to get to me . . . and Harry too. We have to get the students out of here before it’s too late.”

            Professor McGonagall didn’t say anything for a moment or two. From the look on her face, she was trying to figure out what to do.

            “I almost forgot,” I said. “Pansy’s a Death Eater. She’s alive.”

            Her lips parted in shock. Then her lips set into a fine line. “I’ll alert the students. Wait here.”

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