Rising Sun

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Seamus was dead, gone forever. I held his wand in my hand, running my fingers over it. Everything was going terribly. I was losing everyone that I cared about. The only person that I had left was Draco. After I could no longer stand Seamus’ dead hand, I went and found my boyfriend again. I felt better once I got near him.

            I ended up crying on his shoulder as he comforted me by rubbing my back. I wiped my tears away, deciding that crying wasn’t going to help us in the battle. “We have to go to the Forest,” I told him.

            He nodded. “You’re right,” he said. “Let’s get a move on.”

            With that, we took off through the courtyard and dodged incoming spells, hexes, and curses. Luckily, we made it through without any further damage.

            Honestly, I just wanted to go home. I just wanted to be with Draco. I didn’t want to fight anymore. I had no more energy left, but we had to stop Voldemort. Even if I died, it would be my dying wish for him to finally be defeated. Maybe I shouldn’t have been thinking about death, but I couldn’t help it.

            “I love you,” I whispered as we walked through the dark forest, hand in hand. In the distance, I could hear voices.

            “I love you too,” Draco whispered back, “more than you know.” For some reason, that made me start crying again. “Don’t cry, baby. Please don’t cry. I promise you we’re going to get through this. We’re going to be safe. Once it’s all over we can be together. I’ll love you and give you as many babies as you want. I promise.”

            “Okay,” I said, wiping my tears with the back of my hand. “I trust you.” My heartbeat quickened as we got closer and closer to danger. Draco put a finger to his lips so that I’d keep quiet. There wasn’t anything to say regardless. I was miserable.

            The sun was rising. Together, we tiptoed closer, hiding between the trees. Draco’s grip on my hand tightened. He was staring at something, but I couldn’t see.from the angle I was standing at.

            “Harry . . . ,” he whispered. “I think he might be dead.”

            “What? What do you mean? Are you sure?” I whispered back.

            He turned to me, giving me a grave look. “I dunno. He’s on the ground,” he said. “Keep quiet. Let’s see what’s going to happen first.” My eyes widened when I saw Draco’s mother walking toward Harry. I could feel Draco tense. When I looked up, I saw him clenching his jaw. He looked sort of angry, but sad at the same time. I knew that he missed her at least a little bit.


When I saw my mother walking toward Harry, my heart dropped to my stomach. I hadn’t seen her in so long. Part of me wanted to cry because she had gotten dragged into the lives of Death Eaters because she loved my father. How could she love him?

            I drew in a breath as she knelt down next to Harry’s body. Either I was slowly beginning to go mad or she was actually talking to his dead body. I looked down at Liana who looked just as confused as I felt. She just shrugged.

            “Dead,” I heard my mother tell the rest of the Death Eaters. Voldemort was basking in glory, clapping his hands together, triumphant.

            “No,” whispered Liana. I saw silent tears rolling down her cheeks. I pulled her closer to me and kissed her forehead. She cried into my sweater.

On the Run: A Draco Malfoy Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now