No Way Out

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“Where the hell are they?” Seamus complained. “They should’ve been back by now.”

            “How the hell am I supposed to know?” I snapped in annoyance. I knew that Seamus wasn’t fond of me, but he was starting to irritate me. We were both worried sick and his complaining wasn’t really helping the current situation. Ron, Hermione, and Harry went searching the grounds for Liana but that was at least a half hour ago, maybe more. It shouldn’t have taken them this long, unless they’d encountered an obstacle along the way. I groaned unable to stand it anymore. I had to know what was going on.

            As I started to walk toward the courtyard, havoc was wreaking, Seamus stopped me. “You’ll get killed out there!” he told me.

            “I don’t care,” I said, determined to find my girlfriend. Then I turned to him. “Are you coming, or what?” With a sigh, he nodded. We dashed through the courtyard, where a massacre was taking place. Flickers of colorful lights poured out of wands. Dementors were flooding the premises and they were headed toward us. Both of us whipped our wands out, ready to put up a fight.

            “Expecto patronum!” we both shouted. Our patronuses weren’t perfect, but they were enough to get the Dementors off of our backs. A giant began making their way toward us, but it wasn’t faster than we were. Seamus and I dashed past the chaos, dodging spells as we went. Not watching where I was going, I bumped into Ginny who was running away from a Death Eater that I recognized as my uncle.

            “Expelliarmus!” I shouted, disarming him and sending him flying backwards. He landed on one of the columns and then smacked down face first with the ground. I didn’t bother to check to see if he was still alive. Honestly, I didn’t care. If anyone deserved to die, it was him! He and my aunt had tracked us down to Salem, and I hadn’t forgiven either of them for it. I could never forgive them for trying to hurt my girlfriend.

            We fought our way through the courtyard and headed toward the lake, away from all of the chaos. I looked around, looking for any signs of our friends. “Where do ya think they went?” Seamus asked. “The forest?”

            I thought about it for a moment. If Pansy was going to kill Liana, she’d probably do it someplace secluded. It sounded about right. “I guess we’re about to find out,” I said and walked on into the night with Seamus not too far behind.


As soon as I saw Pansy, I began to run out of the boathouse. Harry, Ron, and Hermione followed. “We can hide in the Forest,” I whispered as we ran. All I could hear was the sound of leaves crunching and branches breaking from behind me. I lead the way and dashed into the Forbidden Forest. Honestly, I wasn’t absolutely positive that Pansy was following us anymore, but I wasn’t about to take the risk to find out.

            I stopped short, tired from running the long distance. Ron and Hermione also stopped. “Where’s Harry?” asked Hermione, frowning. Looking around, I noticed that Harry was nowhere in sight. Had Pansy taken him? Or had he gone away on his own, just as we weren’t looking.

            “He was right behind me a minute ago,” said Ron quietly, “I swear.”

            “We’ve got to keep moving,” I said, shaking my head. Silently, I said a prayer for Harry to remain unharmed. “We should split up. She just wants me. And I don’t want the two of you to get hurt.”

            Though they both hesitated, they knew it was true. If they were with her, their lives would be at risk. Hermione nodded and pulled Ron away into the shadows. Then I was alone in the silent forest.

On the Run: A Draco Malfoy Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now