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The holidays were approaching. But it wouldn't be a very happy holiday for me. It could be my last holiday. Especially if I failed my mission. Then I'd never see Liana again.

I wasn't afraid to let anyone know that Liana and I were together. I openly held her hand in the hallways and kissed her before she went off to class. People were surprised, but they didn't say anything. Nobody was used to seeing me actually with anyone. Neither was I. This was my first real relationship that I gave a damn about.

I'd given up on the Cabinet. I was convinced that it couldn't be fixed. After all, my subtle attempts to kill Dumbledore hadn't worked out. I was glad they hadn't. Everyone would hate me forever, including Liana.

Since I was with Liana, I was getting used to Seamus' dirty looks and Pansy's disgust. I enjoyed watching Pansy squirm out of the corner of my eye when she saw us hugging or snogging.

Snape grabbed me one evening after I'd finished dinner. He dragged me by my robes and shoved me into his classroom. "You do realize that you've endangered several people in your pathetic attempts to carry out your deed, don't you?"

I looked down at the floor, refusing to meet his eye. "I'm sorry."

"Sorry? Do you think that the Dark Lord will care that you're 'sorry?'"

"Well what do you want me to do? I'm trying!"

"Fix that Cabinet! That's your only option. And if you do fail, I suggest that you make sure that he doesn't find out about your current relationship. He will use her as bait if he finds out."

I trembled where I stood. Snape was right. Being with her was putting her in danger. I couldn't let that happen. If I had to die, then so be it. But I couldn't let her die too. I had to break up with her, for both of our sakes. "Okay," I said. "I know what to do."

With that, Snape opened the door for me to leave. I exited the room and pulled an apple out of my pocket. The scent reminded me of her… My beautiful girlfriend… I was going to regret what I was about to do forever, but it had to be done.

I took out a piece of parchment and scribbled a note for Liana to meet me where we first met at ten o'clock. I didn't want anyone else to know of our whereabouts. Especially not if the note fell into the wrong hands. I passed a Ravenclaw in the corridor, who agreed to give the note to Liana.

I went to the Slytherin common room and waited rather impatiently for ten o'clock to come. I had three more hours to go. I decided to start my assignments. Blaise sat across from me, taking out his work as well. "Did I mention that Tracey and I are together?"

I sighed. "No. Since when?"

"Since yesterday," he replied. He noticed my depressed look. "What's the matter with you? You were fine at dinner."

"I have to break up with her… Liana. It's best for the both of us," I said, picking up my quill. I started scribbling away, wondering if I was making the right choice.

Liana's POV

I wondered what Draco wanted. Maybe he just wanted to spend time alone with me. But it wasn't like we didn't spend enough time together. I mean, he'd been tutoring me in Potions, which I'd been doing much better in. Maybe I wouldn't do absolutely terrible on my N.E.W.T.'s after all.

I started walking to the abandoned lavatory at five minutes to ten. I was careful not to get caught by Filch or his stupid cat. I hated cats, especially Mrs. Norris. I skipped into the bathroom happily to find a rather upset Draco pacing about the room. I took his hand in mine. "Are you okay?"

"No," he replied. "I have to tell you something."

I took a step closer to him, taking his other hand. I kissed his cheek. "Whatever it is, I can handle it."

On the Run: A Draco Malfoy Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now