Safe Haven

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There was silence. No one seemed to be able to utter a word. Professor McGonagall announced that there would be a train waiting in Hogsmeade for the younger students and anyone else who felt the need to go home.

            Draco enveloped me in a hug; I hadn’t noticed him coming toward me. “I won’t let her hurt you,” he said. “I promise.”

            “What do we do now?” I asked.

            “Harry suggested that we help get the younger ones out of here,” he replied, gazing into my green eyes. I wished that we weren’t in this mess. I wanted to be away from the chaos and to be happy with Draco. Was it too much to ask?

            “Okay,” I said, nodding. I felt uneasy, but I had to be strong. If I looked afraid, the younger ones would get the wrong idea. And we couldn’t afford that. “Come on.” Taking him by the arm, I led him to a group of frightened children.

            “I’m not leaving!” cried Colin Creevey. “I want to fight!”

            “You’ve got to go home!” I said, annoyed. “If you want to stay alive, then you’ll pack your things and get on that train.”

            Colin did not falter. Having had enough, Draco glared at him. “Take your brother upstairs and the both of you better hurry. And if I catch either one of you trying to stay behind, I’ll hex you into next week!” he ordered. That’s my Draco.

            I smiled at his threat. Colin and Dennis Creevey scowled at my boyfriend before they turned around and left the Great Hall. I turned to Draco. “I’ll take care of the Ravenclaws. You make sure all the Slytherins get out all right.”

He pulled me in for a long kiss. “I love you,” he said, brushing a stray piece of hair out of my face.

“I love you too,” I said. Starting off toward the hallway, Seamus lingered in the doorway with Dean. Seamus frowned when he saw me. And Dean looked uncomfortable. “Hey. Can you help make sure the Gryffindors get out safely?”

Seamus nodded, though he didn’t take his eyes off of me. “Okay” was all he said. As soon as I was getting ready to go into the hallway, members of the Order showed up as well as several others. I ran up to Mrs. Weasley and hugged her. “Liana,” she said. “How are you, dear? Are the others all right?”

I nodded. “Yes. We’re all fine. We’re just trying to get the young ones out of here before all hell breaks loose. McGonagall will fill you in. I’ve got to go.”

“Be safe,” she warned before I left for Ravenclaw Tower.


As I walked, I kept an eye out for Pansy. No one had seen her and I was concerned for everyone’s safety. She was dangerous, after all. I couldn’t risk her hurting anyone. All of the young ones got out rather quickly, finally seeing the urgency of our current situation.

            I wondered if my parents would show up. What would they do if they saw me? I would not, under any circumstances, go to them. I loved my mother dearly, but I would not give in. But what would Voldemort do if he saw me? Kill me? Torture me? Let me live? I didn’t know and the possibilities were endless.

            “Draco!” I turned to find Fred and George. Fred said, “Come on! Help us secure the castle! We’ve created a barrier. It ought to keep them out for at least a while.”

            “I sure as hell hope so,” I muttered. Drawing my wand from my pocket, I decided to keep it in my grasp. For all we knew, Pansy could be around here somewhere. My stomach began to form into a knot. I was nervous. Terrified is more like it.

On the Run: A Draco Malfoy Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now