Discovering Salem

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Nearly a week and a half had gone by. We’d been watching the house daily and nothing suspicious went down, so we decided to move in. Actually, it was more Liana’s idea than mine. I would’ve rather just found another place, but for whatever reason, Liana was drawn to it. So I gave in.

            We pulled our trunks and Terry’s cage into the house. “You take the master bedroom. I’ll take one of the others,” I said.

            Liana shook her head. “It makes no sense,” she said, kissing my cheek. “I’m most likely going to end up next to you in the morning.”

            I smiled and pressed my lips against hers. “Fine,” I said. “Have it your way.” A smile formed upon my lips as I lifted the trunk up the steps. Liana and I started unpacking.

            “Are you hungry?” she asked when we finally finished putting our clothes in the drawers. I nodded. “We’re going to go to the supermarket. There’s one a couple blocks away. I’m going to have to teach you a lot about the Muggle world, huh?”

            “Absolutely,” I said, smiling. “Shall we?” She grabbed onto my arm and we left for the supermarket.

            We stepped into the cool atmosphere of the supermarket. It was freezing in there. It was bad enough that it was already freezing outside; being that it was already January 4th. I followed Liana toward a sign that read: Bakery. “Fresh bread is the best,” Liana explained as she took a fairly long loaf out of its compartment. “Can you go get one of those carts over there?”

            I nodded and walked to the front of the store, grabbing a shopping cart and pushing it back to Liana. She put the bread in it. It smelled divine, which did not help the fact that I was famished. She went through various aisles, grabbing things that she deemed necessary. There was even food in freezers. Like, boxed foods. It was all new to me, since I was raised a pure blooded wizard.

            When we went to pay, I noticed these machines. They had money in them! And a whole array of buttons to push and press. I supposed I never would’ve realized how fascinating Muggle life is unless I met Liana.

As we walked home together, bags in hand, I wondered where I’d be if she had stumbled across me in the lavatory that day. Would we have spoken at all? Would I have fallen for her? Would I be so hopelessly in love with her, as I was now? I’d never spoken those three words to anyone in my life.

For some reason, Pansy popped up into my mind. We’d been together at one point. Now that I thought of it, I had no idea why. She wasn’t attractive. She used to be, when we were in our third and fourth year, but then she started to resemble a pug. I pushed the thoughts of her away. She no longer mattered. It was irrelevant now.

A few days later, I was taking a look at one of the bookcases in the study. There were many books I’d never heard of before like Oliver Twist and Wuthering Heights. I noticed that there were little sliding doors at the back of each shelf. Raising my eyebrows, I opened it and found several familiar books. I found a copy of Magical Me by Gilderoy Lockhart and A History of Magic by Bathilda Bagshot. I saw some books I assumed to be American, such as Salem Witch Trials by Amanda Locke and Magic: The American Way by James Stewart.

There were even textbooks on transfiguration, spell casting, potion brewing, runes, arithmancy, and other books on Quidditch. Someone who lived in this house, at some point, was a witch or a wizard. “Liana,” I called. Just a moment later, I heard her coming down the stairs and she appeared behind me. “Look at these books.”

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