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Personally, I don't like this chapter. But it had to be done at some point.... The upcoming chapters will be much better. I promise :) Just bear with me.


I was overjoyed when I saw Liana. After all, I hadn’t seen her in months, not since Christmas Eve. I admit that that was probably one of the worst days of my life. It was the day that I thought I lost Liana’s love forever. The months I spent without her wracked my heart with pain. I thought I’d never be with her again. Maybe it was true. It’s not like we were back together or anything.

            Now Dobby stood before us, saying that he was going to get us the bloody hell out of here. “Dobby,” said Harry. “Take Griphook, Dean, Luna, Liana, and Ollivander out of here… Take them to Shell Cottage. We’ve got to get Hermione.”

            “What?” exclaimed Liana. “I’m not leaving you here!”

            “Yes,” I said, “you are. We’re going to get Hermione from Bellatrix. I’ll see if I can get everyone’s wands back.”

            “But—” she started. I shook my head in disapproval. She sighed.

            Dobby took her hand, as well as the others. “You are safe with Dobby, Miss Blake,” Dobby said. Then he addressed Harry, Ron, and I. “Meet me at the top of the steps in ten seconds.” She gave a faint smile and looked at me before the familiar Crack.

            I heard my aunt yelling from upstairs. “Did you take this from my—” The yelling stopped, but I could still hear Hermione whimpering from above. “What was that? Peter, go check! Go with him, Pansy.”

            “What do we do?” Ron whispered.

            “I reckon we’ll just have to wing it,” I said. Harry nodded.

            “Let’s try to disarm both of them,” said Harry.

            “Step back!” said Pettigrew. We did as he said. Pettigrew, as well as Pansy, entered the cellar.

            “Where are the others?” Pansy demanded. “What have you done?” No one said anything. Pettigrew grabbed Harry since he was nearest and began to choke him. I heard Harry say something to him, but I wasn’t able to hear. I noticed that Pettigrew loosened his grip on Harry. Suddenly, the hand that Voldemort had fashioned him wrapped itself around his own neck.

            Pansy looked startled as Pettigrew collapsed to his knees in an attempt to pry the fingers off. “What did you do?” She and, surprisingly, Harry tried to prevent his death. Before we knew it, it was too late. The hand had fatally strangled its owner. I wondered why, but there was no time for questions. We had to get out. The faster we got out, the faster I’d be reunited with Liana.

            Pansy got up from Pettigrew’s side. “You’ve killed him!” Harry ignored her. She turned to me. “You’ll all pay,” she said. She stepped closer and closer to me; we were nearly touching noses. “Especially you.” She glared at me when she noticed how uncomfortable I was. Then her face softened. “Just like old times, eh?” She began to lean in before she collapsed to the cold ground.

            Harry smiled, showing me Pettigrew’s wand. I looked down at Pansy whose body was bound by a hex. I quickly snatched her wand. Just then, Harry gasped in pain. He was holding his head. “What’s wrong?” I asked, coming over to where he and Ron were standing.

On the Run: A Draco Malfoy Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now