Suspicion Arises

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I woke up in an unfamiliar place. How’d I get here? Why wasn’t I in my bed? I’d fallen asleep in it. So where was I? I stood up and walked around. I’d been here before. I was at Malfoy Manor, in the cellar. I remembered when Draco and I locked Crabbe and Goyle down here as a joke. That was when Draco and I had been close.

I missed those days. Now he loathed me, because he loves her. I’d spent summer days at the Manor with Draco, Crabbe, and Goyle. I wished things could go back to how they used to be.

I heard footsteps coming. Was it Draco? Was he here? Was he coming to let me out of here? I sure hoped so. I rushed to the gate, only to find a man that I didn’t know. “The girl is awake,” he called up the steps. He unlocked the gate and led me upstairs to the drawing room. I hoped Draco was there. At least I wouldn’t feel so alone. There were several Death Eaters and Voldemort himself sat. I gasped.

Were they going to kill me? Draco was nowhere in sight. Perhaps he was missing after all. “Ah, Miss Parkinson,” said Voldemort, smiling evilly. “Do you know where Draco is?”

“No,” she said. “Why would I know?”

Suddenly, I felt my mind being broken into, my thoughts unraveling and winding through my head. “She knows nothing of any use to us,” He said. “But she does have some rather… embarrassing memories involving the boy.” I felt my face flush. “Doesn’t he make you angry? I mean, he chose some other girl over you… Doesn’t that drive you mad? You can get the revenge you want, Pansy. How would you like to join us?”


Harry, Ron, Dean, Neville and I left our room to go to the common room, which was full of our classmates, still in their pajamas. Hermione was attempting to get everyone’s attention, since she was prefect. But that wasn’t working. Her voice was drowned out from everyone panicking. “Shut it!” roared Ginny. Immediately, everyone was silent.

            Hermione gave her a nod of appreciation. “Attention, Gryffindors! We’re due in the Great Hall right now, so no wandering off! We don’t need… anyone else getting kidnapped.” No one objected, instead following her through the portrait, into the corridors, down a few staircases, and down the aisle of the great hall.

            I took a seat next to Dean and Harry. “Do you think that whoever kidnapped Pansy kidnapped Draco and Liana too?” I asked aloud, looking around anxiously. Harry was too busy looking to see what was going on in the hallway.

            “Maybe,” said Dean. “I hope that we can get them all back.” I opened my mouth to say something, but I heard a loud “crack.” All heads, including mine, turned to see Dumbledore rushing in with the Minister of Magic.

            “Attention!” said the Minister. “I am afraid that there has been another disappearance.” Panic spread through the room like wildfire. I wasn’t surprised because I already knew.

            “Silence!” growled Dumbledore.

            The minister continued. “I believe that this disappearance is connected to those of Mr. Malfoy and Miss Blake. We have Aurors searching the castle and the surrounding areas. However, I am afraid to say that Hogwarts will be on lockdown until further notice. Parents have been contacted and Aurors will be assigned to patrol the grounds night and day, to ensure the safety of students,” he said. “And if things do not improve in this case, Hogwarts may be closed down.”

            “My father will hear about this!” yelled a familiar voice. I turned to face McLaggen, who did not look very pleased. What could his father possibly do? He didn’t have that much power or authority.

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