Chapter 1: 6 Long Years

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YN waited at the elementary school entrance, wrapping her long coat tighter around herself, burying her chin and nose into her scarf in an effort to keep warm.
She sighed as she watched all the other children run into the arms of both their mothers and fathers.
Some mothers looking to her with a look of sarcastic pity or judgemental eyes.
She kept her outter expression straight and narrow, not giving them the satisfaction of a reaction to their eyes.
The last 6 years had been hard enough on her as it was, and she remained strong, she wasnt about to break just because of some rich elites who refused to get to know her, instead of passing judgements.

"Eomma!!!" a small child's voice called to her, breaking her thoughts. "Eomma, look what I painted for you today! Look! Look!' the small child bounced up and down with a small canvas in his hands.
"Chanyeol, please settle." she says calmly, taking the small canvas from his hands and looking down proudly to what he had made.
"Its me and you eomma, isnt it pretty?!" he exclaims proudly clapping.
"Yes, its just fantastic. We will hang it up with the pictures that are in the living room, hows that sound?" she says pushing his bangs from his eyes and pushing his glasses up the bridge of his nose.
"Yes, so everyone who comes over can see the picture."
"Precisicely." she says taking his small hand in hers and turning with him to start walking down the side walk. "Lets hurry home, Uncle Joon is coming over to have dinner with us tonight. He always brings such yummy food from the Seoul shops." she beams happily down to her son.
"We haven't seen Uncle Joon in a long while!" Chanyeol chimes in.
"Yes its been quite awhile. So lets not get side tracked and get home quickly."
"Mm, ok!" the little boy says and nods in agreement.

Later that evening once YN got the apartment tidied up and Chanyeol settled from the school day, they were both patiently waiting for Namjoon's arrival. Chanyeol was standing on the sofa and looking out the window, carefully keeping watch for his arrival.
"Eomma, are we sure he is coming tonight? Its already dark out, and he still isn't here." Chanyeol says through a small whine.
"Patience Chan, hes a busy man you know. He might still be busy." you say walking over to the sofa and sitting down next to boy who was impatiently fidgediting with the curtians.
" know the other kids whisper about me, right?"
"No....why do they whisper about you?" you ask, rubbing his back comfortingly.
"They say their moms say that Uncle Joon pitied you for a rumor you started. Thats the only reason I get to go to such a nice school. Its to keep you quiet." the boy says with a sadened expression as he turns to look at his mother.
"Do you think your Uncle Joon would visit regularly if it was honestly because of a rumor? Someone with his workload can't afford to visit with us often, and if he did, it would be with lawyers and things like that. Not just him by himself. Listen to me, dont listen to what other people say about you. You know your truth, right?"
The little boy nods his head slowly.
"Then you don't worry yourself with what others say. Even if they knew the truth, they still have negative things to say."
Just then a shadow appears on the front porch, and the boys eyes eagerly returned to the window just in time to see Namjoon bending down to the window and waving to the boy happily, holding up bags full of food and giving him a big grin.
"Uncle Joon is here!" Chanyeol's voice echoes through the room as he jumps from the sofa to the front door.
YN smile and shook her to and fro before getting up from the sofa and walkedd over to the front door to unlock it and let Namjoon in.
"Chanyeol, mind your manners, and stand aside so Uncle Joon can come inside and sit the bags down." you say scooting him away from the door and smiling to Namjoon. Seeing his face after the long summer months was refreshing and nostalgic. She had missed seeing her friend almost everyday.
"Oh, he isnt a bother." Namjoon says as he slides his shoes off at the front door and then heads to the kitchen with the bags of food.
"What did you get this time Uncle Joon, chicken I hope!" Chanyeol beams excitedly as he follows him to the kitchen.
"What, no hug or greeting for your dear Uncle? All you want is my food." he says in a mock pout bending down to Chanyeol's level.
"I am sorry..." he says wrapping his arms tightly around Namjoon's neck to hug him.
"Alright..." he says lifting him up to the counter and opening the bags. "Lets see what there is for you to eat!"

*Later after they have all had dinner together, and YN got Chanyeol down for bed, her and Namjoon sit in the living room, chatting*
"Hoseok is back in town." Namjoon says after a long silence.
Your smile fades from your face as it is exchanged with one of sadness mixed with curiosity.
"Have you spoken with him?" you ask after a moment of thinking of what to say.
"Yea, he came by the studio last night. I showed him pictures of you and Chanyeol."
"And?" you ask with a glimmer of hope in your question.
"He..." Namjoon says but doesnt finish the sentence.
"Still doesnt remember." you say finishing it for him. "Its okay. I think at some point I just need to accept hes not going to remember any time in this lifetime."
"There is something though...." Namjoon says with a hopeful tone. "Its small, but its there." he says with a smile.
"Well go on..." you say pushing his arm playfully.
"When I showed him pictures of you, he snatched the phone from my hands and studied them for a long while before telling me he wants to meet you. It was almost like he did recognize you a little, but when I asked him why, he said that you were really pretty and wanted to meet you."
You smile and blush a little. "Sounds like Hoseok." you laugh.
"Would you be willing to meet him tomorrow? I know Chanyeol will be in school, but it would give you a few minutes with him at least..."
You nod. "I'd like for him to meet Chanyeol sometime soon as well. Is he here for awhile or is he going back to the states again?"
"He should be here for awhile. His sister is getting married you know."
"Yes shes invited me. That totally slipped my mind, thank you for reminding me."
"Does Chanyeol know about Hoseok?"
"Somewhat. He doesn't understand, but I have done my best to explain it to a level he could comprehend."
"I cant imagine what this all feels like." he sighs as he takes your hand and squeezes it comfortingly.
You sigh. "Its been....hard. But, I have done my best to endure for the sake of Chanyeol. I just hold on to the hope one day he will suddenly remember."
"Even if he doesnt, maybe remeeting him and him gettting to know you again, might spark something for you two to try a new?"
"Even if it doesnt, it will all be okay. He survived with the odds stacked against him, and for that I am forever grateful."
Just then Namjoon's phone rings and he pulls it from his pocket to see its a video chat request. He turns the phone to you to show you who it was calling.
"Hobi-hyung" the screen read.
"Answer it..." you say a little excitedly. Namjoon nods and answers the phone and holds it up just to his face first.
"Namjoon, where are you at right now?" came Hoseok's voice on the other end. You smile affectionately at the sound of his voice and tried to hold your tears back as all your emotions began to flood at once. It was nice to hear his voice after 6 long years. You almost forgot what he sounded like.
"Oh, I am with a friend. I hadn't seen her over the summer, so we were catching up." Namjoon says, smiling to the phone.
"Oh the cute girl you were showing me?" you can hear the smirk in his voice and it caused you to giggle a little and wipe at your eyes as the tears fall down.
Namjoon looks over to you with a smile and a sigh. "Yes, the cute girl." he chuckles. "Would you like to speak to her? She's right here?"
"Of course, I can say hi..." he says back in response.
Namjoon nods in a motion for you to come over and you hesitate for a moment. You didn't want to cry on the video call with him, or say anything to make the situation anymore uncomfortable.
"Its okay..." Namjoon says to you as he motions again for you to come over.
You take in a deep breath and walk over to Namjoon's side and bend down and sit down on your knees.
"Hello..." you say through a smile.
He leans close to the camera and locks gazes with you, his smile shinning brightly across his face. His hair was back to his brown color, and he was wearing one of the shirts you bought for him when you two first started dating. He looked happy and healthy.
"Its nice to meet you, Namjoon has talked alot about you. I'm sure he's told you my name, but I am Jung Hoseok."
"Nice to meet you Jung Hoseok. I am YN." you say with a smile.
"If you are this pretty over the phone, I can't imagine how pretty you are in real life." he chuckles.
You look down and laugh a little before looking back up.
"Sorry..." he says with a nervous laugh. "But you wouldn't happen to be free tomorrow? Maybe we could meet for lunch in the afternoon? Any friend of Namjoon's is a friend of mine." he says.
"Id like that." you say with a smile.
"Excellent. Joon, text me her number so I can get a time set up and all that." he says looking over to Namjoon.
"Okay hyung, will do." he says nodding.
"Alright, well I will talk to the two of you later. I guess I will go hunt down Yoon or Jimin and see if they wanna do dinner."
"Alright Hobi, talk to you later."
And the call ends.
You stand up and walk back over to where you sitting and sit back down.
"Are you alright?" Namjoon asks leaning over to you for a moment.
"Yes." you nod. "I noticed it too, how he seemed to recognize me for a moment."
"See. There might be some hope after all."

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