Chapter 12: Christmas Morning

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Hobi rose early the next morning and carefully snuck out of bed without waking YN and quietly found a change of clothes. He headed towards the bathroom to quickly and quietly ready himself for the day.
After that was done, he walked down the hall past Namjoon's room and to the other spare room where Chanyeol was sleeping soundly. To his surprise, as he opened the door, he was greeted by a sleepy Chanyeol who was just waking up and putting on his glasses before looking up at Hobi with a smile.
"Oh, good morning Appa, Merry Christmas!" he exclaims excitedly as he stands up and slips on his little slippers that were by his bed.
Hobi smiles and kneels down to Chanyeol's eye level and puts a finger to his lips. "Let's not wake the others just yet. I wonder if you'd like to help me with the last touches for eomma's Christmas gift."
Chanyeol smiles and nods his head.
"Well, let's get you dressed quickly before everyone awakens," Hobi says as he walks around the bedside and over to the wardrobe that was being used to hold some of Chanyeol's things.
"But Appa, it's Christmas. If we have to go the shops, not a lot will be open today." Chanyeol says with a confused look on his face.
"This is true..." Hobi says as he hands Chanyeol a change of clothes. "But some of the higher-end shops are open for a little while today for busy people who are doing last-minute shopping, like me." Hobi winks at him.
Chanyeol laughs a little.
"Alright, I will leave you to change. Quietly meet me in the kitchen when you are done, ok?"
"Okay!" Chanyeol says excitedly.

After the pair of them finally left the house, they were lucky to find a coffee shop that was open for a few hours, and Hobi got himself a coffee, and Chanyeol a hot chocolate.
They both sat in the shop for a moment as they enjoyed their beverages.
"Channie..." Hobi says after a moment of them sitting in silence.
"Yes, Appa?" Chanyeol says looking up to Hobi with a smile, some whipped cream still on his nose from taking a big sip of his hot chocolate after it cooled down enough for him to drink. Hobi chuckled lightly at his son and took a napkin and wiped his nose before clearing his throat and turning serious again.
"I am sorry for not being there for you throughout the years."
"It's okay Appa. I may be little, but I understand. Eomma explained it well. And besides, I always knew you'd come back." he shrugged as he took a sip of his drink.
"You did?" Hobi says in shock.
"Mm, I've heard the stories from all the Uncles. And from Eomma. Even if your memories never came back to you, I knew someday you'd make your way back."
"You are very wise for your age," Hobi says as he fluffs his hair.
"Just promise me something..." Chanyeol says, having a very serious tone for someone so young and small.
"Yes of course," Hobi says, giving him his full attention.
"If you start to forget again, please don't go," Chanyeol says, a tiny little break in his voice. "I don't think Eomma could handle it again if you left."
Hobi hesitates for a moment. He knows what he wants to say. But he also knows he made the decision the first time because he was afraid. He let his own fears make him selfish and he didn't think of the others it was affecting. He sighs and gives Chanyeol a reassuring smile. "I promise you, I will not go anywhere this time. As long as you and eomma promise to help me remember."
"That will be easy!" Chanyeol claps excitedly as he takes another sip of his hot chocolate.

Once the two were done having their drinks, they headed out into the snowy morning to the shop that Hobi needed to go to for his last-minute gift.
As the shop attendee brought over the gift, he took it from him for a moment and bent down to show Chanyeol. "What do you think? You think Eomma will like it?"
Chanyeol takes the gift from the box gently and inspects it once, and twice over before carefully putting it back into the box and looking up to Hobi.
"She will love it!" he says giving Hobi his thumbs up in approval.
"Good," Hobi says as he passes it back to the attendee as they walk away to get the gift wrapped up and ready to be paid for.
Just then Hobi's phone begins to ring and he takes it from his pocket and looks to the caller ID seeing it was YN was calling him.
"Uh oh, busted." he winks down to Chanyeol, and he giggles as Hobi answers the phone.
"Yes dear..." he answers cheerfully.
"This is probably a silly question and forgive me for being flustered but is Chanyeol with you?" YN's voice came on the other line with a slightly worried tone.
"That's not a silly question love, but yes he is with me. We went out for a little bonding time while everyone was asleep."
He could hear the sigh of relief on the other end. "Okay. I'm sorry. I woke up and the two of you were gone. I flew into a panic. I wasn't sure what was going on."
"Dear, relax, he is safe with me. I promise. There's no reason to worry."
"I know Hobi, I just...."
"You are used to it just being you and him and him being there when you wake up, I know. I understand. Don't worry, we will be back soon."
"We love you eomma!" Chanyeol adds, sensing his mother must be a little worried that he wasn't home with her.
"Aww. Alright, well I'll leave you two to it then, please come back soon."
"No worries dear, we will be right there. I love you." and with that, he hung up the phone and shoved it into his pocket. "Alright Channie, let's go pay for this and go quickly, eomma is waiting!"

*30 minutes later*
Hobi and Chanyeol finally return back to Namjoon's apartment. Chanyeol was the first to bust through the door and run to his mother's open arms.
"Merry Christmas, Eomma!" he says as she bent down to hug him tightly.
"Welcome back, and Merry Christmas," she says smiling at him and then Hobi. "And just where have you two been?" she asks curiously.
"Nowhere..." Hobi says putting the small bag behind his back.
"Eomma, Appa got me a hot chocolate, with a tower of whipped cream!"
"Oh did he now?" she says looking up to Hobi with a smile, as Hobi looks over to Namjoon and Namjoon looks at him like "Nah uh buddy, you are on your own here."
"Well, I guess all these cookies we made will have to go to Uncle Joon then, cause that tower of whipped cream was probably enough sugar for you," she says jokingly as she stands back up and boops his nose.
"Eomma, no fair. It's Christmas!" he says crossing his arms in defeat.
"Oh well, I guess it can't be helped. I guess I will forgive it this once." she laughs as she winks down to her son. "Now go on over to the tree and find your gifts and pick which one you should open first while I have a talk with your Appa."
"OKAY!" he says excitedly as he runs over to the tree and plops down, Namjoon sitting down next to him, as they look through all the gifts under the tree.
"You are not really upset are you?" Hobi asks, giving her his best innocent look.
"No of course not. I am glad the two of you had a good time together," she says kissing his cheek.
"Oh good." he sighs in relief and hugs her tightly. "I just went to go get your gift," he says holding up the small bag that was decorated by the jewelry store attendant. "Go ahead, open it." he says as she takes the bag from him.
She smiled as she carefully opened the bag, and took the small wrapped box out, and looked up to Hobi who was watching her intently, smiling when she looked up and motioned for her to open the box.
When she did, she looked down at their wedding bands inside the box and then looked back up to Hobi again with a smile, so many emotions flooding her, but also confusion.
"I didn't even know you had your ring still..." she says through her surprise.
"I didn't. Before I left for the States, I asked Namjoon to hold it for me. I had to call in some favors last night and take the rings to the jewelers, but I got them redone for us with engravings." he says taking his ring from the box and showing her. His ring read "Forever" and he slipped it onto his finger, and then he took hers from the box and showed her what hers now said "And Always" she smiled as she read it aloud and he took her hand and slipped it on her hand.
"There's also something underneath," he says pulling the cardboard the rings sat on from the box to reveal two lockets.
He rubs the back of his head and his cheeks flush a light shade of red. "I know lockets aren't really a guy thing, but I figure maybe if my memory starts to slip again, we can have these to help," he says taking one and holding it up for her to see. She opened it up to see a tiny picture of the three of them inside that they had taken not too long after Hobi regained his memories.
"And you tease me for being the sappy one..." Namjoon says from inside the living room.
"Shut it Joon," Hobi says through a chuckle.
YN couldn't contain her emotions any longer as she hugged Hobi tightly and cried into his chest. "It's perfect Hobi, thank you," she says.
He wraps his arms around her waist and holds her tightly, kissing the top of her head whispering softly "I knew you'd love it,"

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