Chapter 11: Gingerbread Houses and The Ring

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*Authors note:
So I decided to leave this one on here because it's one everyone loves. And I love writing it. And I know you all wanna see it finish.
Also, I'm gonna start a new Yoongi one soon, so keep an eye out for that one! I'll post it here too. And Gradually over time move everything back. So I hope you all enjoy this update! 💜💜💜😁😁*


"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry I forgot you..."
he sobs quietly, taking YN's face into his hands.
"Don't be sorry. It was something that couldn't be helped." YN says leaning her forehead against his.
"How, how have you waited for 6 years? I left for the states, how could you be so sure I was ever going to remember?"
"I wasn't sure, Hobi. But I accepted it. Because I love you. And I held hope that one day you would return.'
He doesn't say anything further, hugging her tightly and resting the side of his cheek on her head.

*At the airport the day Hobi left for the states*
"Hoseok...." Namjoon starts, calling him by his actual name. "Are you sure you want to do this?"
"I know this seems cruel....but I really think it should be done. I can't keep hurting her this way."
"I really think there is a way the two of you can overcome this together, maybe you guys could come up with some sort of system to help you remember, that way you could have some vague awareness?"
"Namjoon, you've seen how it gets when I forget. I completely lose everything. It's getting to where I don't remember the accident. I don't want to wake up one day and not remember where I am, or who she is..."
Namjoon slowly nods, knowing that despite the many possible solutions, and the ways to get through it, he knew Hobi's mind was set. And once Hobi's mind was set, there was no undoing it.
"Just keep an eye on her and Chanyeol. I've asked my sister to keep checking on them as well," he says his voice cracking a little, and he cleared it quickly so he didn't seem like he was wanting to cry. "Make sure she doesn't stay sad. Make sure she has her meals. Make sure she goes out when she can. Even if it's just a walk with you. Make sure she laughs, cause her smile should always touch her eyes.
Make sure Chanyeol grows well, and like I told you, make sure he gets into that really nice school."
"Hoseok..." Namjoon tries again,
"Namjoon...don't," he says with a stern voice. He then removes his wedding band from his hand and holds it out to Namjoon. "Keep this safe. When I remember again, I'll come get it from you. And hopefully, I will have remembered her by then."
And with that Hobi turns and heads towards the airplane gates.
*End Flashback*
*The Next Day*
Hobi and YN woke up the next morning laying on their bed together, they hardly slept the night before. After Hobi returned home, his memories started to flow naturally, almost like he never forgot them to start with.
It seemed different this time, he could remember as far back as when they first met in elementary school.
"I am sorry, for the things I said to you that night. The night...." he trailed off for a moment as he squeezed her shoulder bringing her closer to his chest. "The night of the accident. I said a lot of things in a temporary state of anger and caused all of this. This would've never happened if I just would've just talked to you calmly."
"Don't say that..." YN says as she leans up on her elbow and looks at Hobi. "We couldn't have predicted that you would've gotten into that accident that night, or any other night. Do not blame yourself for this," she says stroking his cheek.
"It's robbed us of so many years. I wasn't there for Chanyeol. And now I am kicking myself for making the decision to leave for the states." he says with a stern expression. "I'll never get to see those years with you."
"But it's not too late. You can be there for him now. He has waited so patiently for you to remember, and he will be over the moon to find out you finally remember."
Just then there's a knock at the door. "Eomma..." a sleepy Chanyeol calls on the other side. "Eomma....can I come in?"
"Yes, you can come in Channie," she calls as she and Hobi sit up in the bed as he opens the door, walks in, and climbs up into the bed, laying across YN's lap. He yawns softly and looks up at both her then at Hobi and smiles.
"Good morning eomma, good morning Hobi," he says with a sweet smile as he takes his glasses from his pj pockets and puts them on his face.
"Good morning." Hobi and YN say in unison as YN runs her fingers through his short black hair.
"Hey, Chanyeol..." Hobi says with a big smile on his face.
"Yes, Hobi?" Chanyeol says looking over to him.
"You don't have to call me Hobi anymore."
"Well then...." Chanyeol says, his eyes trailing over to his mother in confusion, and then back to Hobi. "What should I call you?"
"Hmm, how about, Appa?" Hobi says picking him up and sitting him on his lap carefully.
"Appa? Are you sure?" Chanyeol says looking over to his mother again as she nodded and smiled. "Do you remember now?"
"Mm." Hobi nods. "I remember." he then hugs Chanyeol tightly.

*Later that day, after they are packed and ready to head to Namjoon's for the week*

"YN..." Hobi starts as he throws the car in reverse and begins to back out of the driveway.
"Yes what is it?" she says looking over to him with curious eyes.
"Let's wait to tell Joon about me remembering," he says as they begin driving down the road.
"But why, Appa? Uncle Joon will be so excited to know that you have your memories back!" Chanyeol exclaims from the back seat.
"Yes, he will. But it is Christmas time, and I am thinking of surprising Uncle Joon. I know it would mean the world to him. Joon likes sappy stuff like that."
"It's true. He does like the sappier things of life." YN giggles as she lays her head back on the car headrest.
"Then I shall keep it my best-kept secret!" Chanyeol says excitedly as he makes a zipper motion across his lips.

*Christmas Eve*
Hobi and Chanyeol are sitting at the kitchen table, Hobi was trying desperately to get Chanyeol's gingerbread house to stay together with frosting, and Chanyeol was trying to decorate the little gingerbread men that YN had made the night before.
"Appa here, let me help," Chanyeol says as he walks over and takes the frosting bag from Hobi and begins to ice the house and put it together.
"I don't ever remember a gingerbread house being this hard to put together." Hobi sighs in defeat.
"Just stick with being the master of dance Hobi, and not the master of gingerbread houses." Namjoon teases as he walks into the kitchen grabbing a water bottle.
"Hahahahaha..." Hobi mocks in a sarcastic tone. "Very funny Joonie, I'd like to see you get over here and do this."
"It's okay appa, look, I will show you how to do it," Chanyeol says bringing his attention back to the project at hand.

After a while of decorating Christmas cookies, and gingerbread houses, Chanyeol began yawning heavily and rubbing his eyes.
"Alright, it's time for me to get you off to bed. Say good night to appa and Uncle Joon and I will get you all tucked in." YN says through a smile and holds out her hand for him.
"Good night...." Chanyeol says through a yawn as he hugs each of them tightly and then takes his mom's hand as she leads him away.
"You don't mind him calling you appa?" Namjoon asks curiously as he walks over to Hobi and sits down next to him, taking a sip of water from his water bottle.
"Actually I have been meaning to talk to you about that," Hobi says with a raised eyebrow, leaning his chin into his hands.
Namjoon's expression turned from a happy look to one of confusion and worry. These conversations usually didn't turn out well when they started having them. He never knew how he was supposed to answer, especially if he was starting to remember.
"Okay, what about it?" Namjoon says, trying to sound calm and ready for whatever was about to be discussed.
"Do you have my wedding band still?" Hobi says after a while of hesitating.
Namjoon's jaw felt like it dropped to the floor as his eyes widened and he looked at his friend in utter shock. Was this real? Or was this something Hobi vaguely remembered. "No...he told me at the airport that if he asked for the ring back, it means he remembered." Namjoon thought to himself.
" you...?"
Hobi nods with a smile. "Yes. I finally remember everything. I told you, the day would come when I would ask for it back. And it all worked out perfectly." Hobi says with a large grin.
Namjoon nods, his tears slightly rising up in his eyes as he stands. "Yes, I still have it for you. It's safely tucked away with my other jewelry. Come with me, I will get it for you."

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