Chapter 2: Lunch With Hobi

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Not long after Namjoon left you recieved a video chat request from a number you didn't recognize. You could only assume it must be Hobi.
Your heart began to race fast against your chest as you tried to containt the excitment you felt within yourself. You quickly tucked your hair behind your ears and took a deep breath, feeling like a silly school girl with a crush as you accepted the call and waited in anticipation for his face to show up on your screen.
"Ah give me a moment..." came his voice "Must be bad reception, its having trouble downloading. I can see you though." he says.
You smile and you can feel your cheeks flushing a dark red. And then the signal must've came in good, because he finally came into frame, and your heart soared as you looked to his face. His smile beaming, his hair messy and tousled from what looked it being wet from a shower, but settling from air drying. He was wearing an oversized hoodie, and it looked like he was lying down.
A part of your heart ached as you wished you were there next to him, running your fingers through his hair, touching his face, holding his hands. Curling close to him to sleep.
He seemed so famaliar, and yet so different. His hair was longer, when before he claimed he didn't like when his hair grew long. He was alot more happier, where just before his accident he seemed like he was always stressed and angry.
Your thoughts trailed for a moment to that day. The day you learned the hard way about communication and how important it is in a relationship.
"Are you alright?" his question rings in your mind breaking you from your thoughts, just in time to save you from breaking down into tears.
"Oh yes I am okay. Just a little tired." you say with a smile.
"I wont keep you long, I just wanted to chat for a moment without Namjoon lingering about." he laughs.
You laugh too. "He means well. He's a good friend."
"Yes, he really is." Hobi says. "He says you have a son too."
You nod. "Mm thats right."
"Thats awesome, I love kids."
This tugged at your heart strings. He did love kids. He always wanted kids. It was something you two spoke of passionately once you were married. Your thumb glides over your wedding band set on your left hand, in all the years he had been gone, you never once took them off, nor talked to anyone else in a romantical way. Still holding onto the hope he would soon remember.
"His name is Chanyeol. He is six." you beam happily. "If only you knew how much he looks like you..." you think the last part to yourself.
"Aww hes a young tyke! Cute." he says with a small laugh.

Even though he said he wasn't going to keep you on the phone long, the two of you ended up chatting for a few hours. With no specific topics, just rattling off about whatever came to mind.
You two disccussed things like, what your favorite colors were, what you liked to do in your spare time, your favorite foods, your goals in life, and so on.
A lot of the things you already knew, but a few things were new. His favorite color before was green, and now it was yellow. He use to not like spicey foods before, now he says he cant get enough of spicey food.
Small little details, but seemed to have such an impact already. It really was going to be a process of getting to know him all over again. A process you didnt mind, so long as he was back in your life.

*The next day*

After getting Chanyeol safe to school, you return home and begin to get ready for your lunch with Hobi. It was still a little early, but you knew if you didn't start preparing and getting ready now, you knew you would talk yourself out of it soon.
After spending far too long debating on which outfit to wear, you finally decide on a casual one. Although to you this would be a date, to him it probably didnt seem that way. He was just wanting to meet Namjoon's "friend", so no need to dress up or get all fancy. After you shower, dress and blow dry your hair, you begin to run your flat iron through your hair, when your eyes looked over to your wedding band set. Should you take them off or leave them on? Would they spark a memory, or would they spark a conversation that you are sure he wouldn't believe even you tried your hardest to convince him.
Just like at the hospital, not long after he woke from his coma.

Come Back To Me (A Hobi/Reader Story)✔️Where stories live. Discover now