Chapter 3: Memories Linger, Even When You Aren't Aware

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"Still remember a time when you felt like home.
You and me up against the great unknown.
You were my life, now you're out of my life.
Yea, I guess thats life.
Can you hear me? Im trying to hear you.
Silence rises like a hurricane.
Im singing for you, you're screaming at me.
It's hard to see your tears in the pouring rain..." ~ Take What You Want And Go by One Ok Rock ft 5 Seconds of Summer

You watched Hobi pack his things, the tears flowing down your cheeks,not knowing what to say to get Hobi to stay.
"Please dont go Hobi..." you beg as you grab his arm.
"I cant keep doing this to you. It isn't fair, YN. I wasn't even there for the birth of Chanyeol because I forgot. How much longer before I completely forget everything." he says with tears streaming down his face.
"We can figure it out as we go. Please..." you beg again as your grip tightens around his sleeve. "Just don't go. It will make it harder."
He snatches his arm away from you quickly and looks to you in confusion. "I am sorry, whats happened? Are you Namjoon's friend? Is this his new apartment? Forgive me, you see I had an accident not long ago, and my mind gets a little foggy sometimes." he says with a nervous laugh.
You wipe your tears quickly and smile. "I'm YN, you were just gathering your things for your flight to Los Angeles, California, for a bunch of your solo gigs." you say, trying to put on a brave face for him.
"Oh I see." he says nodding.
Just then Namjoon walks in, and he can tell immediatly whats just happened, he's holding the baby and rocking him with his arms as he looks between the two of you. "YN, I think little Chanyeol is hungry. I can help with Hobi now." he says with a concerned smile.
"Yes Joon, thank you." you say as you walk over and take the small baby from his arms and leave the room.
"It happened again...didn't it?" Hobi says through a sigh as he folds his clothes into the suitcase.
"Hyung, I really must side with YN on this one. Leaving, is only going to make it worse. At least if you stay and just stay somewhere outside of this home, maybe with time you can become famaliar with things again."
"And what if I stay and I forgot them completely?"
"What if you leave and she moves on and then you remember completely? What then....? Hobi, please think this through clearly before you just go."
"Joon, just do me a favor..." Hobi says to him, his tears flooding to his eyes.
"Anything." Namjoon says almost with desperation.
"Promise you will look after her, I know she acts brave, but she's going to need someone there for her. And when the time comes for Chanyeol's education, make sure he gets into the best school around here. Make sure they stay happy and healthy. Don't let my memory drag them down."
"Hoseok..." Namjoon says now feeling defeat, knowing there was no way to talk him out of his decions.
"Namjoon, please, just make this promise for me, please..."
"Fine Hoseok, I promise."
And that was the end of it, Hobi  continued to pack his things, shortly aftter his memories of YN and Chanyeol left him completely. As he left for the states.
*end flashback*

You and Hobi arrived to his studio, and he took your hand happily as he led you up the two flights of stairs to his dance room.
It had been so long since you had been here, it was all still the same. You remember the many memories the two of you made here. How he tried to teach you some of his dance choreo, the long nights he had here where you would meet him in the middle of night to have a few drinks and a late night dinner.
Sometimes even retreating to the studio and falling asleep together on the couch, too exhausted to even travel back to either apartments.
Everything flooded back, but you held in your emotions and smiled happily as he let go of your hand and stood in the middle of the dance floor.
"This may seem silly, but I just wanted to show you some choreo I have been working on. If you know Namjoon well, you know the others well too, and you know we all love to do our own things." he says with a smirk. "If you'll push play over there on the stero..." he says pointing over a huge stero system.
You nod and walk over to the stero and sat down in one of the chairs that was on the floor.
Just then a song begins to play, your heart renches in agony as you recognize the song immediatly. It was one he dedicated to you, not long before his accident. He had promised he would learn a interpitive dance of sorts to go along with it, and he wanted to showcase it to the guys, in hopes one day it would be included in one of their shows.
You did your best to force your emotions as he began to dance around the floor. His body moving effortelessly and emotionally to the song.
He had finally put a choreo together for the song. And even though you knew he was conscientiously aware of what he was doing, it meant the absolute world to you that he was showing you the rough draft of what he was trying to have together.
As the song ended, he walked over to you trying to catch his breath with a smile ear to ear.
"Well, what did think?" he asks curiously as he walks over to you and leans down to your level.
"That was truly beautiful. I loved t." you say with a sincere smile, looking into his eyes.
There were no words spoken for a moment, as the two of you just stared at each other, your heart pounding against in your chest. Your mind racing with a million thoughts, trying to resist the urge to lean in and kiss him. And almost as if he was reading your mind he began to slight move foward towards you.
"YN..." he wispers looking down to your lips and then your eyes.
"Yes..." you whisper back as he is now just inches away from your lips.
And then your phone rings. At first you ignore it, keeping your eyes locked with his. But he smiles to you and moves away.
"I am so sorry..." you say and take your phone from your pocket to see the school was calling you. "Oh its my son's elementary. Excuse me for a moment." you say and answer the phone as you stand up.
"Is he alright?" you say after a few minutes of listening to the voice on the other end of the call, the school nurse was contacting to you to let you know he had a slight fever and needed to be pikcked up as soon as possible. "Oh yes, I will be right there. Yes thank you for contacting me. Mm. Bye." you say quickly as you hang up. "Hoseok...I am sorry, but it seems my son has fallen ill, I must be going now." you say with a half smile and turning towards the doors of the studio.
"Wait..." he says running over to you and grabbing your hand. "I told you I would give you a ride back, so let me do so even now so you can get there quickly." he suggests with a concerned look.
"I would really appreciate it, thank you." you say bowing and smiling at him.
"No need to be formal with me, and call me Hobi, please." he smiles, still holding your hand. "Come on, lets go get your son." he says with no further words and leads you out the door.

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