Chapter 6: The Protector

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Throughout the week, you and Hobi kept in constant contact.
It was nice to be talking to him after not hearing from him for so long. After he took off for the states, he lost his memory of you completely so even if you tried to get in contact with him, he wouldn't know you or respond in the first place.
Althought, Namjoon kept you constantly updated, so you weren't completely in the dark of his whereabouts or what he was doing.
Your worst fear was that he find someone new and move on before he even had the chance to remember, but according to everything Namjoon had told you, it seemed he was too focused on bettering his career.

Towards the end of the week, Namjoon stopped by for a visit and to check on Chanyeol.
"Hes sleeping now. Hes been feeling much better, so I was thinking of letting him return to school in the morning." you say as the two of you sit at the kitchen table, drinking coffee.
"Thats good, I am glad to hear. I know you said you had a bit of trouble getting the fever to come down."
"Yes, I almost took him into the hospital. But over the weekend he did finally break it. Thankfully." you say with a sigh of relief.
"Excellent. He's a strong one, just like his mother." Namjoon says with a smile.
"It's nice to see you frequently visiting again, I missed you over the summer." you say with a giant smile. "We should do a dinner one night. I miss all of you guys. Turly, I feel like its been ages since I last since Jin, and Taehyung! Well of you really. I saw Yoongi and Kook a few times, but the rest of you stay pretty busy." you laugh lightly as you take a sip of your coffee.
"That's definetly something we should all plan that out now that Hobi is back in town. It won't feel like he is being left out." Namjoon nods in agreement. "Speaking of Hobi, I know its only been a week, but how are things going between you two?"
"Fairly well." you say sitting your cup down on the table. "I think the feelings are still in him, I think the situation is all famaliar, but in his mind he is just having a hard time comprehending what's going on. You think maybe that could be a sign of his memories returning?"
Namjoon gives you a serious look and ponders this for a long while before giving you an answer. "I am really not sure, I am not sure how this all works. But I do truly feel deep down, that the more time you and Chanyeol spend with him, the more chance he might have of recovering the memories. And like I told you, even if he doesn't, just going down this new path might be a good thing, for both of you. I know it has to be more than hard with him not remembering."
"Mmm." you nod. "Thank you Namjoon for being there for me and for being a good friend through all of this." you say with a smile.
"Aww, it really is no problem." he gets up and comes over and hugs you tightly, rubbing your shoulder lightly.

*That Monday Morning*
"Altight Chanyeol..." you say as the two of you stop in front of the school doors and bend down to hug him tightly. "Have a good day. Do well and I will see you this afternoon. I love you." you kiss his cheek and wave to him as he heads towards the school entrance.
Just then one of the mothers walks over with a twisted grin on her face as she stands in front of you.
"So how is little Chanyeol feeling? Better now?" she asks crossing her arms.
"Yes, hes much better now." you say trying to move around her.
"Dont rush off, we never hardly ever get the chance to talk much with you anymore since you quit coming to the PTA meetings."
"I quit going because it became more of a gossip group than anything actually worth attending for my child's sake." you shrug.
"Speaking of gossip..." the woman continues unbothered by your statement. "Are you not aware slightly of all the gossip you have stirred up since your son joined the school?"
"I am fully aware of the gossip. I just choose not to entertain whats not true." you say shrugging again.
"So you being so desperate for money that you started a rumor about sleeping with a famous band member and thats his child." she says pointing over to the door. "It must be a sad life you live, to sit at home not working and feeding off their money to cover the fact you had a one night stand with some one stiff off the streets." she cackled lightly and just as you felt the anger rise in you and your tears burn to the surface, you felt a strong arm snake around your waist and pull you close to your side.
"And what if he is my son? What kind of gossip would be started then? Jealous women like you ought to be put to sleep like rabid dogs."
You look over in shock to see Hobi with a devilish grin across his face, scolding the woman who was trying to get up underneath your skin.
"Well is he your child then?" the woman retorts through a scoff.
"Does it really matter? Like I said, if he was mine, you'd move on to the new rumor about her, so do yourself a favor and move on and leave her alone. Trust me, money is not the bond here."
The woman rolled her eyes and walked away, probably trotting off to start some more rumors.
" didn't have to do that...." was the only sentence you could form in the state of shock you were in that he told the woman that Chanyeol was his.
"So what? You don't deserve to be mistreated like that. I dont know your story, and you don't have to tell me, but the time I have spent with you I know you are a good mother. You don't deserve that at all. So don't let them get to you. And besides, if the relationship progresses, I would be helping you raise and care for him, so its not like I lied." he says matter of factly.
You didn't lie at all. You wanted to say out loud. He is your son.
"I guess you have a point there." you say nodding in agreement. "Not that I am happy to see you, but what are you doing on this side of town so early?"
"I was coming to see Chanyeol off the day. I was relieved when you told me he finally broke his fever, I had been worried about him. And I wanted to ask you something."
"Sure, what is it?" you ask turning to face him.
"I was walking by the theater the other day, and saw this poster for this children's movie that I thought he might enjoy, I was wondering if you two would like to go. We could grab dinner when he's out of school, and catch the movie, and then hang out after, of course if its okay with you that is." he says, giving his nervous laugh and looking to your eyes.
"is it the one with the robots? All his friends have been talking about it and he's been begging me to go, that will make his whole day."
"Then its settled then." he says with a victorious smile. "For now, lets get out of this cold and go get some coffee. Are you busy right now?"
You shake your head no and smile. "Not at all. I'd love some coffee." you say slipping your hand within his and walking with him over to his car.

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