Chapter 15: The Finale For Book 1

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A week later*

After the night where Hobi finally confessed to YN that his memory was slipping again, everyone decided to have a family meeting and discuss what the next steps should be to avoid another breakdown from him and having him run to the states again.

"I think YN, Chanyeol, and Hoseok should just pack up and move in with either me or Namjoon. I think that would be the best solution, given Namjoon and I have already had the most experience in dealing with his memory loss first hand." Yoongi suggests as he leans his chin into his folded hands.
Hobi sat idly by next to Jin and Namjoon, fiddling with the small locket he had gotten with YN's over the Christmas Holidays. He watched as YN picked Chanyeol up and began to sping him around the dance floor, the pair of them laughing and having a good time by themselves.
Everyone looked over to Hobi who sighed heavily as he tried to keep his tears from falling, he was tired from crying, tired from fighting against his own mind, tired of the group's worry and concerns, and just tired of everyone in general.
"What do you think, Hoseok?" Jin says as they all look over to him now, reading his blank expression, no one really knew what he was thinking anymore as he stayed locked within himself. Keeping his memories alive had become a bit of an obsession for him, spending every waking moment he wasn't working or with his wife and child, scribbling away in his book or leaving sticky notes everywhere.
Everyone was worried, more worried than they were the first time this began.
"I think to keep them safe and happy, I will do what needs to be done." he finally says after some time, still watching the two of them dance around playfully on the practice floor, still fiddling with the small locket in his hands.
"Do you have any other suggestions as to how this should be handled? This is your life, after all, we just want to do what's best for you." Namjoon says softly as he reached out for Hobi's hand and patting it comfortingly.
Hobi sighed as he looked down at Namjoon's hand and looked over into his eyes with a half-smile. "I don't think there is any right way to go about any of this." he sighs. "But if us being closer with you guys to help with my memories, and keeping them happy, I will do what needs to be done."
"We just don't want you to panic again and run Hoseok," Jin explains. "You were gone for 6 years before you came back this time. And who knows if you were even going to return at all. We don't want that to happen again."
"Fine," Hobi says shrugging as he looks away from everyone.

*A few months later*

YN stood in her empty kitchen and took one last look around. She sighed sadly as she leaned against the counter. She really didn't want to give up the home she and Hoseok had built. There were so many precious memories both old and new in this home that she felt like she didn't want to lose, but she would gladly do it if it meant helping Hobi. New memories can be made and having him stay with her would be worth it,  she didn't want him to think he would need to run away again.
A few movers walked into the home, politely bowing to her as they made their way to her room to remove the final boxes and furniture that was left, with Namjoon walking in behind them holding Chanyeol's hand.
"How is he?" YN asks as Chayeol runs up to her and hugs her tightly around her legs. She runs her fingers through his hair lovingly and looks up at Namjoon's dimple-filled smile.
"He's asking for you," he says standing in front of her and crossing his arms.
"Really?" YN says with a hopeful tone.
"Yes, he just started not long ago as we were moving things into the house." I think the journaling and the locket were both excellent ideas. It seems every time he fiddles with it, the memories don't take long at all to return." Namjoon says matter of factly.
YN reached up to her own locket and fiddle it with once before bending down to Chanyeol with a smile and hugging him tightly. "Are you ready to go now? You have all your things ready?"
"Yep! All the Uncles already have all their things at the new house too, Uncle Jimin got us a cool mini race track!" Chanyeol boasts happily.
"Did he now?" she chuckles happily as she looks up to Namjoon.
"Well you know how the younger ones are." he shrugs with a smile.
"This is true. It's going to be strange having you all under one roof." YN says as she stands back up just in time to see the movers moving the last of the boxes to the truck outside.
"Yes, it will be quite the adjustment, but we will all manage. At least you, Hoseok, and Channie have your own private section away from the rest of us. So it will still be like your own place in a way."
"It's like one giant sleepover!" Chanyeol exclaims excitedly.
"Yes but Uncle Jimin and Uncle Tae are not keeping you up late every night, you still have school until summertime," YN says to Chanyeol with a smile as she pokes his nose playfully.
Chanyeol pursed his lips out in a small pout and crossed his arms. Namjoon looked at the little boy and laughed as he fluffed his hair.
"Mind your mother, little Hobi."
"Okay Uncle Joon," he says giving in to the defeat.

*Later that evening*

Since it was still the weekend, YN allowed Chanyeol to stay up later than she normally would to watch a movie of his choosing with the 3 youngers of the group.
As she picked up the pizza boxes surrounding the living room and smiled as Chanyeol started to drift off contently laying in between Jimin and Jungkook.
After she got the mess from dinner cleaned, and everything wiped down in the kitchen and put away in its proper place, she stepped out on the back balcony to look out at the city lights of Seoul.
She sighed contently as she leaned against the railing. It was going to be so strange for a while living in the city again and being surrounded by all seven of the guys for now, but she knew it would take no time to adjust to this new way of life. At least this time she and Chanyeol wouldn't be so alone.
As she was lost in her thoughts she was unaware of the glass door sliding open behind her, and she jumped a little startled as she a pair of arms wrap around her waist, resting their hands on her stomach lightly.
"There you are..." Hobi says leaning into her shoulder and pulling her close to his chest. "I've been looking for you. Everything ok?"
"Mm." she nods with a smile. "Just thinking."
"Good things I hope?"
"Of course," she says turning to his face slightly and kissing him. "Just thinking of how big of an adjustment this will be." she sighs.
"I know it's not ideal, but for now it will work, right?" Hobi says turning her to face him.
"Yes. It's nothing to stress over Hoseok, really. I just didn't think we would be moving in with the whole group. But it will be nice to have you all around. Chanyeol loves his uncles, and we won't have to wait months for their visits."
"Very true, now he can see them all every day." Hobi smiles brightly at this. "By the way...." he says running his hand over the small bump on her belly that was starting to form. "Have you told them yet?"
"No, not yet. I was waiting until after the move and everything began to settle," she says placing her hand on top of his.
"You are starting to show a little bit." he smiles. "I am surprised Chanyeol has kept it a secret this long." he chuckles.
"Oh believe me he is dying to tell everyone. Especially his Uncle Joon." she giggles softly.
"He's gotten really close to Namjoon over these years, hasn't he?" Hobi asks tilting his head to the side, running his fingers through YN's long hair.
"Mm. You made a good move asking Namjoon to keep watch over us the years you were gone, Chanyeol really took to Namjoon well, their bond is unbreakable. The only other person in competition with that bond is Jimin."
"Of course, Jimin is the playful one of the bunch." he laughs as he pulls her to him in an embrace and sighs as she rests her head up underneath his chin and against his chest. He smoothed her long hair and swayed her a little side to side. "Are you worried?"
"I'm always worried for you. I am not worried about you losing your memories, I have been used to that since this all first began. I know what to do and how to keep you close to me. I am more worried about your reactions each time, and the coming breakdown, should that ever happen again. I don't want to go another 6 years without here."
"I don't think that's going to happen again. And if it does, I am pretty sure Jin, Namjoon, and Yoongi will drag me back kicking and screaming." he laughs.
YN sighs as she blinks through the tears. "But I will say something, I would do this a thousand times over if it lead me back to you in the end."
"I will always come back to you, YN...." he says softly pulling her back so he could look at her. "Don't ever doubt that." he continues as he leans in and kisses her on the lips, hoping that would put some of his worries to sleep, for good.

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