Chapter 14: The Fear

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*A/N: Sorry it's been awhile updating this one! I've been so into Saviours that I pushed this one aside
But I'm back at it with the updates! *

Namjoon was still slightly annoyed with Hobi when Yoongi managed to get him to come back to practice.
Jin stepped between the two of them once again, he could tell Namjoon wasn't done seething at their brother.
"Let's just focus on practice for right now, you two. Argue later when we aren't on a deadline."
Hobi shrugged and took his position over next to Jimin. He started the count signaling them to go ahead with their choreo and with that everything began to go smoothly once again without any fighting or interruptions.

Y/N was making herself busy unpacking things Hobi was bringing from his apartment in Seoul. A part of her felt a little guilty that he had to leave it behind, but she felt even better to finally have him back home after 6 long years. After a little while of folding a bunch of his clothes and getting them put away, she found herself growing hungry and thought it would be a good idea to take a small little break and find something to eat.
As she was rummaging through the cabinets, she noticed a few sticky notes on some of the things in the cabinets.
"Y/N's favorite coffee...." she read over one note.
"Chanyeol's favorite cereal, not too much milk though. He likes the crunch." the next note stated.
"English breakfast tea, I love drinking these with Y/N at night time." the next said.
She smiled as she took a pack of noodles down for a quick meal. It seemed he was trying harder this time to remember smaller details. Maybe they would do a better job of jogging his memory if ever began to forget again.

After she was done eating, she went back to the bedroom and started unpacking another box. She smiled happily as she found the box of all the small knick-knacks he had collected over the years, ever since they were in high school. A few of them she helped him pick out, from carnivals, school events, and a few of their trips. As she started placing them back on the empty shelf where they use to be, she couldn't help but feel like the long 6 years of enduring the unknown and him not being home, was finally beginning to feel worth it in the end.
Once she was at the bottom of the box, she noticed a photo album.
She took the photo album out from the bottom and sat down on the edge of her bed, and flipped through the pages, they were pictures from their high school days, some of her and Namjoon at their lunch hangout, some of the three of them, some of just him, some of her and him together, but as she got into the ones as they got older, she noticed he had written little notes beside the pictures.
"It's been 3 years since I have been in the states, I remembered her for a split second it seems and then forgot again. So I am making this note, call Namjoon and check on her and the baby."
"She was in my dreams again, the note above says she has a baby? Maybe Namjoon got with her in high school? I should call him and find out."
She flipped the next page to their trip to California just before they had gotten engaged. Namjoon and Yoongi tagged along with them that year.
She looked through all the pictures to see no notes until she got to the page with their Disney Trip photos. There were tiny notes scribbled next to the group ones, she remembered that day vividly. Hobi had begged a couple to take the pictures so they could all have a few group photos before Namjoon and Yoongi split off to do their own thing.
"I remember this trip perfectly, but I don't remember her there. She's in all these other photos too, but I can't place her face. I feel like I know her. I feel like...
like I should know her."
Y/N felt her heart sink. This whole time she thought he had completely forgotten, but she could feel the desperation in his notes. He was trying to remember, but he just couldn't get the memories to form.
She felt her tears slide down her cheek as she turned the pages to their wedding day. All seven of the boys were dressed sharply and smiling as they held up their glasses in a toast, an accidental picture caught by the photographer before the wedding.
She noticed, however, there were no pictures of the two of them together. She was confused by this, as she looked over to the wedding picture sitting on the table beside their bed. She found it rather odd that those pictures weren't there. But she noticed there was one final note left beside the group picture.
"I am pretty sure this was my wedding. But I can't remember. There are no pictures of her. Unless I married someone else."
And that was it. The rest of the pictures were of his time in the States.
She closed the book and sat it on the shelf. She wondered where those pictures went as she walked to the other shelf next to that one and took down her own photo albums. Maybe he stuck them in there when he was leaving.
Why he would do that, she couldn't understand. It was then that she opened her photo album, and a folded piece of paper fell to the floor, with a light thud. She looked down in confusion and picked up the paper from the floor, the reason it made a light thud was that there were pictures inside of it, the missing pictures from Hobi's photo album. The one's of the two of them together, with a small note written for her on the inside.

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