Chapter 13: Confrontation

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After Christmas was over, the remaining weeks of Chanyeol's winter break flew by, and soon it was time for him to return to school.

After seeing Chanyeol off to shcool with Y/N his first morning off, Hobi drove Y/N back to their home, and dropped her off.
"I have a meeting I have to go to this morning. It shouldn't take long at all, I should be back within an hour or two." Hobi says leaning over to her and kissing her forehead and smiling warmly at her.
"Okay. Please be careful. I love you." she says smiling a small smile before getting out of the car and waving goodbye to him as he backed out of the driveway.

30 minutes later, Hobi arrives to the famaliar hospital he once stayed in after his accident. Of course he didn't remember the many months he lay in his coma, but he did remember once he woke up, the few weeks he spent here before he was discharged. The tall building was still the same, with the same large trees surronding the long sidewalk and outside sitting area.
He took in his surrondings, feeling a sort of dejavu feeling with it all. Even though his memories seemed to have all finally returned, some parts where still a little fuzzy and not there yet, like he knew they were there, but it was more of a long lost dream that he was trying really hard to remember.

Once he was inside, he checked in at the nurse's desk and then sat down in the waiting room, patiently waiting for his turn to be seen by the Doctor.
Ever since he began to regain his memories, he had been going to the Doctor to keep track of everything, just to make sure everything was on track and there was nothing too serious happening again. He was pleasently surprised that after 6 years, the same Doctor who cared for him during his coma and after, was still a Doctor here at this Hospital.

Awhile later after waiting, he was finally called back.
"Mr. Jung, how have things been since we last saw each other?" the Doctor greets him warmly as Hobi bows to him respectfully and sits down in the chair that was in front of his desk.
"They've been well." Hobi says through a sigh. "Although, I have noticed that even though the memories are returning, I am still often forgetting. And apparently according to everyone around me, this is something that happens often. The latest one lasting for 6 years before I was finally able to remember again."
"Well looking over your latest CT scan, I dont see no abnormalities. But, you do realize that you suffered quite a trauma with your head, and bouts of amnesia, especially with your trauma, is quite normal. And amnesia is uncurable. Sadly. This is something you might have to face for the rest of your life. And like I explained to you when I discharged you all those years ago, it could be seconds, or even years as you've experienced, before the memories return. Sometimes, they might not even return at all."
Hobi looked down to the floor when the Doctor said the memories might not return ever once forgotten. This troubled him, and he did not like the looming feeling that came with hearing that sentence.
"But there are things you can do to improve your memories. For example, establishing a stable daily routine with everyone in life, excercise for blood flow increase, social interactions, even keeping a diary and writing down thoughts, importan things, dates, or even just normal journaling can help. Especially if you find yourself forgetting often."

Later that day after the appointment was over, Hobi was sitting in his studio, he had stopped by a small book shop and picked up a leather bound journal and was sitting at his desk jotting down everything that came to his mind in this moment.
Just then there was a light tap on the door, and Namjoon's head poked through the small crack he made as he opened the door a little.
"There you are, I've been looking for you."
"Hmm? Oh sorry." Hobi says not looking up from what he's doing. "Come on in."
Namjoon slides into the room and walks over to Hobi and looks over his shoulder. "I brought you some coffee. I wasn't sure if you'd had any today." he says sitting it on the desk beside him and then sits down on the couch across from his desk. "What are you doing?" he asks curiously as he takes a sip from his own coffee.
"The Doctor said that journaling and writing important things down helps with the memory loss." Hobi says through a concentrative tone.
"Have you told her yet that you've been going in for frequent checkups?" Namjoon says sitting his coffee on the table beside him and folding his arms across his chest.
"I dont want to worry her." Hobi sighs as he looks over to Namjoon.
"Hyung, did you not learn from the last time that thats not really the best idea to keep her out of the loop of things? You almost didn't come back. Had it not been for your sisters wedding, you probably would've never returned." Namjoon says, his voice full of concern and worry.
"Yes  I would've. At some point. I wouldn't have given you my ring if I wasn't sure I'd remember." Hobi says the annoyance growing in his voice.
"Hoseok..." Namjoon says standing up and putting a hand sternly on Hobi's shoulder. "You refused to listen to my last time, but this time you will hear me out. Don't keep her in the dark this time. She needs to know about your memory slips and you going to the Doctor. I cant watch her go through this another six years. Or Chanyeol either."
And before Hobi could even get a word out to protest, Namjoon walked quickly to the door and left, the door slightly slamming behind him.
He jumped up quickly and flung open the door and pratically sprinted to catch up to Namjoon, who turned the corner and walked into the dance studio with Hobi following quickly behind him. All the other guys flying to the pair of them as Hobi grabbed the back of Namjoon's shirt and swung him around. Surprising everyone considering since Namjoon was slightly taller than Hobi and had spent the last 6 years working out and getting built.
"You won't watch her go through it again? How dare you...." Hobi says angrily.
"How dare I? Do you have any idea what hell she went through when you took off for the States? Do you have any idea what I went through trying to keep her together, pratically raising your son for you, and keeping the guys together, just for you to turn back around and put her back into the dark again?" Namjoon says moving closer to Hobi, his voice raising a little.
At this point Jin and Yoongi began to make their way over to the pair. Jin trying desperately to pull Hobi back, Yoongi stepping in the middle holding up his arms to seperate the two.
"You are being quite selfish Namjoon. Do you know what its like to wake up oneday and forget who you are? Forget your entire life. Forget your own god damn kid and wife for six years? YAH!" he shouts as Namjoon looks away.
"Enough Hoseok!" Yoongi shouts. "Step out." he says looking over to Namjoon. "One of you step out while I ask nicely. If I get involved it won't end with words."
Just then Hobi's phone begins to ring, and shakes Jin's arms off him as he fishes through his pockets to find it.
"Hello?" he answers in a huffed tone, his eyes not leaving Namjoon's.
"Is this a bad time?" Y/N's voice came softly on the other line.
"No...its ok. I was just finishing at practice."
Namjoon's jaw clenched at in reaction to Hobi's lie. Yoongi pushing him back more. "Step out Namjoon." he repeats again through his clenched teeth.
"Let me get outside and I will call you back. Love you." Hobi says and quickly hangs up the phone. "Don't bother Yoongi. I'll get going first." he says as he turns on his heel and quickly walks out of the studio.
"The fuck was all that Joon?" Yoongi says, relaxing a little as Namjoon let out a heavy sigh and walked over to the table that was off to the side that was usually set up for the assistants to sit at while they practiced.
"Its happening again." Namjoon says as he sits down.
The room fills with collective sighs, as everyone exchanges a look.
"But that's not his normal behavior when this happens." Jin says looking between Yoongi and Namjoon. "It's not your normal behavior."
"I'm not going to watch her and Chanyeol go another 6 years without him while he avoids the truth."
"Whats that supposed to mean?" Yoongi asks as he folds his arms across his chest and tilting his head to the side.
"If he doesn't tell her, I will." Namjoon says matter of factly.
"That's not your place, hyung." Jimin pipes in now, a little defensively as he walks over to join the conversation.
"You got a better idea?" Namjoon says shooting Jimin a "go to hell" look.
"I agree with Jimin." Jin says nodding. "I think you two should take a breather, and then once you calm down, try and talk this out. Hoseok is right, it can't be easy dealing with what he's dealing with. He's afraid. And he wants to do whats right." Jin says. "But..." he starts as Namjoon goes to say something in protest. "...I can see where you are coming from as well. But Jimin is also right, this really isn't our place. We all know in the end, Hoseok will do, what Hoseok will do. And we will be there for him as his brothers, and for our sister, Y/N and Chanyeol as well. "
Namjoon sighs and nods, he knows the oldest is right. It didn't matter what happened, or how hard they all fought, in the end Hoseok would do what he felt was best.
"Fighting will not help. It will only push him away. And in turn put us all in the dark as well. Lets just be there for them all, and try to support him as best we can." Jin says walking over to Namjoon and patting his back.
"You never know what could happen. It could all work out properly in the end." Jin says with a smile.
Namjoon nods and returns the smile. "Alright. Let's get back to practice. Yoongi, call him and see if he can come back after awhile. We need to finish this up and get to our meeting with management later on in the evening."
Yoongi nods and takes his phone and quickly dials Hobi's number.

Come Back To Me (A Hobi/Reader Story)✔️Where stories live. Discover now