Chapter 8: Coffee and Distractions

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*A/N: Grab your Hobi Water, this is a Hobi Spice Warning*

YN woke up the next morning, like any other school morning, she got Chanyeol up from his bed and got him into the bath, and while he was doing that she would make him his breakfast, and his lunchbox for the day, as well as checked his folders and backpack for anything she may have missed the night before that she may have needed to sign or read over.
After he was dressed, and ready for the day and had eaten his breakfast, he took his glasses from his glasses case and put them on and grabbed his coat and threw it on and ran hurriedly over to YN, grabbing her coat sleeve and jumping up and down slightly.
"Eomma, hurry, hurry, I want to talk with my friends about the movie before class!"
"Okay Channie, lets get going quickly then!" you say smiling down to him and letting him lead you out the door.

After gettting Chanyeol safely to school and waving to him as he barely said goodbye and ran quickly to his friends, you turn to the other mothers to see them crowded around, whisper amongst themselves as they started walking away from you.
You smirked to yourself as you too, turned and walked away, thinking about how Hobi stood up for you the day before and put them in their place.
As you begin to walk up the street, you take your phone from your coat pocket and checking to see if you had any calls or text messages.
There was one from Hobi and you smiled  as your stomach fluttered a bit and opened the message.
"Good morning beautiful, I am sorry we won't get to talk much today, but if it's not to late when we leave, I will call you. Have a good day. I'll think of you."

You put your phone back in your coat pocket and turn towards the coffee shop. He was still the same sweet Hobi. And you decided then and there, that it would be okay if his memories never returned. You two could make new memories, and with Channyeol as well. It would take some getting use to, but it was something you were willing to do, to be with him again.

*Back in Seoul, at the studio.*

The guys were taking a break for a minute to catch their breaths. They had a meeting with management first thing that morning when they arrived that lasted a few hours, discussing their comeback, what they needed to do to promote, and discussing if Hobi should do a live on their fanpage to further promote the comeback.
After that was over, they immediatly started going through a bunch of their old choreo to warm up and then started working on their new choreo.
Hobi couldn't tell if he was just out of sync with the guys, the new choreo, or that his mind really wasn't in it right now, but he felt very distracted. And like he really didn't want to be here doing this right now.
But he wanted to be here, doing what he loved to do, he just couldn't seem to get his bearings about himself.
Namjoon walked over to where Hobi was sitting, he had noticed all morning that he was in a fog of sorts. He was here, but his head was a town over from here. He could tell thats what was keeping his mind preoccupied and he sighed as he sat down next to him, grabbing his shoulder.
"Are you okay, Hobi? You seem a little distracted today?"
"Yea I am alright. I am just feeling discouraged." he says through a slight sigh and crossing his arms. "I think I am a bit rusty from the group choreo. I am use to doing things on my own, in my style."
"I dont think so Hobi, I think your mind is somewhere else today." Namjoon says with a smile.
It was true, his mind kept trailing back to YN. He coulnd't get her out of his head. Her smile, her eyes, her hair, the way she felt when he held her yesterday morning. The way she laughed, the way she looked when she asked him to stay. He mentally kicked himself for not staying. He could've got up early and still made it here in time for the meeting.
"Hobi, go see her for awhile and come back." Namjoon says with a smile.
"I can't do that Namjoon. I can't just up and go whenever my mind is distracted. I need to stay and focus."
Namjoon opened his mouth to protest,but he closed it again as he pondered on what to say. It was true, he couldn't run every time he got distracted, but this was also a very delicate sitaution that all of them and maagemenet were very much aware of, and it would be understandable if Hobi needed to abprutly leave. Especially if he started having bouts of remembering and forgetting again like he use to.
"Hobi, its okay. Seriously, just go for an hour or two and come right back. I will cover for you." Namjoon begins again as he looks to his best friend with a smile.
Namjoon puts his hand up to stop him from saying anything else. "Go before I really do say screw it and make you sit here." Namjoon chuckles and stands up, pulling Hobi to his feet.
"Alright then." Hobi nods, but when he turns around to heads towards the door, he's pleasently surprised to see YN standing there, holding up to cup holder boxes of coffee.
"YN?" he says in an almost half whisper, not sure if his mind was playing tricks or if she was really standing there.
"Surprise!" you say with a small giggle. "I haven't seen you guys in so long, I figured I'd pop by since you were altogether in one spot today. Do you all still like Iced Americano? I know Namjoon does, and Hobi you do too from the few times we've went to get coffee this week." you say the last part about Hobi with a blush and a smile.
Instantly all the guys begin to crowd around you and take turns hugging you, asking you questions about Chanyeol.
"How have you been holding up, YN? Everything ok?" Yoongi says taking the coffee from the coffee holder and smiling to her.
"Mhm, everything has been good." she says through a laugh as Jungkook picks her up and hugs her tightly and rocks her to and fro. "Okay Kook, you are squeezing my sides. I missed you too, please let me down." you laugh as he sits you down and you hand him his coffee.
"We were all just talking about how Namjoon mentioned that you mentioned we should have a get together now that Hobi has returned." Taehyung says with a boxy grin.
"Yea we didn't expect to see you here already" Jin says with a friendly smile.
"How is my little racecare buddy?" Jimin says peeking over Jungkook's shoulder with his famous eye smile.
But just then Hobi made his way to the front and grabbed YN by the hand, and pulling her away from the guys and towards the doors.
"Hey Hobi, wait!" Yoongi calls as Namjoon puts his arm out and shakes his head no. "Just let them go."
"We want to talk to her too hyung..." Jungkook says as he takes a sip of his coffee.
"We all remember who she is. Hobi doesn't. So let him enjoy these moments with her, before his memory goes again." Namjoon says with a sigh.
Everyone exchanges a look but ultimately agree on what Namjoon has said.

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