Chapter 5: Famaliar (Hobi's POV)

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I walked up to the studio where I knew Namjoon would be for the day. No one knew I was back yet, except for Yoongi. Yoongi told me that Namjoon had been diving into work lately, and trying to stay busy.
I walked into the studio building and smiled nostalgicly, nothing had changed since I had been gone. Everything was still he same.
As the elevator doors open, I could hear music blaring in the dance studio portion of the building and walk down their curiously and looked through the door to see Namjoon and Jimin dancing their hearts out to one of our older songs. It made me realize how much I missed being apart of the group, and how now, I felt ready to come back and rejoin them, if they would have me. I push the doors open and throw my arms up excitedly as Jimin is the first to notice me walking in.
"Hobi-hyung?" he asks curiously looking at me as if I was ghost suddenly appearing from thin air.
This gained Namjoon's attention as he turned the music off and looked over to me with a surprised look as well.
"Yes...its me. I am back now. Sorry to have you all wait a long time."
Jimin looked to Namjoon and then back to me before sprinting over and hugging me tightly.
"I have missed you hyung..." Jimin says squeezing me tightly and lifting me slightly from the ground.
I laughed slightly and patted his back. "I missed you too Jiminah. Put me down now please..." I laugh as he sits me down.
Namjoon walked over to me and hugged me tightly as well and then looked me once over and smiled.
"You look different than from what we last saw, your hair is longer and you quit dying it." he says with a laugh.
"Just for now." I say nodding.

After awhile, the three of us were sitting in the middle of the floor, talking and catching up. When Namjoon shifted in his sitting postion and glanced to his watch.
"I have to get going soon. I have to go meet YN. I haven't seen her all summer, I miss her." Namjoon says with a smile.
I noticed Jimin looking between me and Namjoon as he began to nervously fidget. "You should bring her down her sometime, we all miss her, and the little one!" he says hoping I hand't noticed the change in the atmosphere.
"Who's YN?" I ask curiously. The name sounded so famaliar, but I just couldn't quite place who she might be. I watched as they exchanged a look and looked back to me. "What? Joon did you get a girlfriend? And you said she has a little one? I know our talks weren't as frequent as I would've liked, but I feel like you would've told me if you had a kid." I chuckle.
"No..." Namjoon says rubbing the back of his head. "Although I am an Uncle of sorts. Kind of like a god father." he explains.
"Oh well thats cool. Do you have pictures?" I ask curiously.
"Oh yes, I've got a bunch." Namjoon says pulling his phone from his pocket and both Jimin and I lean close to see the pictures. Although Jimin has probably already see them all before.
"This was after he was born, he was such a small little thing..." Namjoon says as he shows me the picture.
"Aww look at the little baby. How cute!" I say cutely. "Whats his name?"
"Chanyeol. He's six now. Here's what he looks like now. This was his first day of school last month." he says sliding to the picture of a small little boy standing in front of the nice elementary school. And thats when I noticed her. I couldn't see her face from such a far away angle, but her she seemed vaguely famaliar. Like Maybe I had met her sometime before. A long time before. Maybe in a dream? Or at a get together with the guys? I am not sure.
"Is this that YN?" I ask curiously.
"Yes thats her. Here's a close up of her." he says sliding to another photo. Immediatly I snatch the phone from his hands and look into the eyes of the young woman.
It was driving me crazy, I couldn't understand why she felt so famaliar to me. I felt like I have looked into the eyes before. Many times in fact.
Everything about her seemed famaliar, her eyes, her smile, the way her hair sat perfectly over her left shoulder, the way a small strand fell into her eyes. The way her smile reached up to her eyes.
It was the strangest deja vu moment I have ever experienced.
"Everything ok, Hobi?" Namjoon says as I look back up to him. His face was full of concern and I looked over to Jimin, whos face was also concerned. Why do they look so worried? There's something they aren't telling me.
"Yes shes just really pretty. I am surprised you haven't snatched her up yet Joon." I wink to him as I hand him the phone back.
"No, its nothing like that. She's like a sister to me. She's my best friend." he says standing up.
"I want to meet her..." I suddenly say aloud. That was supposed to stay in my head, but I blurted it out before I could stop myself.
"Really?" Namjoon says, his eyebrows raised with a smirk across his face.
"Yes. I would really love to meet her."
"I will talk to her about it when I go visit her. But I really must get going if I am going to visit her. Its gettting later and she will be wanting to get Chanyeol down soon for bed."

After he left, I felt this feeling nagging at my mind that I couldn't shake. I couldn't get her eyes out my head. The way she was smiling in the picture. Why did she seem famaliar to me? Why did I feel so many strong emotions already?
*end flashback*

After I followed her out of Chanyeol's bedroom, she turned to me and smiled as she stood slightly closer to me than she had all afteroon.
"You dont have to stay if you don't want to...." she says and my heart sinks into the bottom of my stomach. No dont send me away yet. I think to myself. I dont want to go. I want to stay here. I like this feeling you give me. I want to understand why you seem famaliar. I want to figure it all out, with you, right here.
"I can go if you really want me too..." I say looking at her, hoping she wouldn't make me leave just yet. But I would if thats what she really wanted.
"I...." she starts as she looks away. I could tell she had something on her mind that she wanted to say. But she didn't know how to say it, or she was afraid to tell me. I thought for a moment of getting her to continue what she wanted to say, but I decided not to pressure her. I didn't want to put pressure on her.
So I decided to change the subject. "You are a really good mother to him. He is really very well taken care of." I say, moving just a little closer to her.
She smiles and blushes slightly. She was so beautiful, and I couldn't stop myself from taking her hand in mine. "I cant explain this feeling I am feeling, but I feel very drawn to you..." I say pulling her close to me. She didn't try to pull away, she didn't look like she would reject me, and so I leaned down and looked her in the eyes. "And I dont want to go just yet..." I say as I kiss her gently across the lips.

Seeing her was enough for her to seem famaliar, but kissing her brought on a whole other feeling. An all too famaliar feeling. I tried the dating thing with a few girls in the states, but once I kissed them and felt nothing, I always ended it. It never felt right. It always felt like I was doing something very wrong. But now here with her, it all felt right. I felt like I was finally where I belonged.
I wrapped my arm around her waist to pull her even closer to me than she already was, and deepend the kiss. Feeling all sorts of strong emotions washing over me.
She reached up to the back of my neck, running her fingers gently through my hair. It felt like heaven and I had to hold back the urge to push her against the wall and take her. But as the feeling became more louder in my head to ignore, she pulled away quickly.
"Hobi...." she says quietly as she looks into my eyes. I could tell there was something she wanted to say. It looked like she was desperately searching me for the answers. But I wasn't sure if I had them.
"Im sorry. I took it too far." I say letting go of her, even though I really didn't want to.
"No no, its okay. It's just..." she says her eyes trailing over to Chanyeol's bedroom door.
I smile at her and kiss her forehead gently. "I understand completely. I'll get going first so you can take care of Chanyeol and get him feeling well."
"You really don't have to go..." she says suddenly grabbing my hand.
"I will see you again. I promise. I want to get to know you more, and maybe we can be together after some time." I say reassuringly. She didnt need to worry, even if we just remained good friends, I didn't want to let go of her until I figure out what this feeling was that she made me feel.
She nodded and smiled. "Get back safely." she says to me. But why does seem like shes a little upset?
"I will call you later, if thats ok?"
she nods, and I hug her tightly. Hoping my embrace would reassure her that it would be okay. And that we would figure it out together as time goes on.

Come Back To Me (A Hobi/Reader Story)✔️Where stories live. Discover now