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Rosaline was sitting on the wooden chair, having put on the navy blue dress with her black corset underneath making it hard for her to breath. Her eyes where closed as Susan was putting on her makeup. Feeling Susan's soft and precise touches trying to make her as beautiful as can be, Rosaline couldn't help but smile. Susan pondered on whether she should ask what was making Rosaline smile but she didn't want to accidentally offend her. But in the end Susan decided to take the risk. "Is there something you find funny milady?" Rosaline's smile faded after having heard the question and Susan started wondering if she had just sealed her fate. "No, there's nothing particular I'd say I find funny."

"Is that so?" Susan decided not to pry any further, not wanting to accidentally anger her lady.

"It's just nice, that's all."


"Yes. I wish I could've treasured this life I have sooner and expressed my gratitude." Susan's hands came to a halt. She felt as though there was a lump in her throat. No words could come out. All she could do was stare at her lady, Rosaline, the woman who had always looked like a sadistic demon was suddenly looking beautiful. Her dark eyebrows, the softness of her face as she was sitting there with a calm expression, her eyes shut.

"Thank you.. Milady."

No more words were uttered after that. 




The time had finally come. Rosaline was walking down the porcelain white stairs, sharp clinks  following after every step she'd take. By the time she reached the bottom her eyes traveled to two men both with dark brown hair. But the younger looking one had a more ember color at the ends. Their eyes were cold as they stared at her. Well it wasn't shocking since Rosaline never had that great of a relationship with her family. Ever since her mom died, Perca Vladenburg, it was as if a sword had severed the family. It happened when Rosaline was only six but that one death changed everything for them. 

The boy with ember eyes spoke, "So you're finally leaving?" Even though it was a question he said it as if it was a statement. Rosaline's eyes sharpened, a family that hated her was something she knew all to well and she was tired of it. "Yes, thanks to your help my dream can finally come true." 

They stared at her with shock while Rosaline only walked past them. She turned around and gave them a warm smile. "Thank you for everything you've done for me." The boy couldn't even utter a word while the other cleared his throat. "We.. We're going to miss you." Rosaline's smile faded, looking at the old man, her dad had a bashful expression. She didn't know what to say. She had forgotten that the original Rosaline, while not having a great relationship with her family still had one that did care for her. They just didn't know how to show it. 

"I wish I could've been with you a little longer."

She spoke from the heart and felt as though she wasn't speaking as 'Rosaline' but as 'Jaide'. To have a family who cares for you is something she'd always wondered about but never thought she would see. Those warm expressions they gave her was melting her cold heart and for the first time she actually wanted to stay with the people that were supposed to be her 'family'. That was something she never thought would happen. To grow a little closer to them was all she wanted.

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