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The woman stared at Rosaline but then remembered that she had to answer. "Are you going to pay later or?" Rosaline tossed her gold coins on the table, they were in a brown bag and the woman inspected the money, shocked over how pure the gold looked. 'This is the real deal!' The woman smiled to herself but then regained her composure. "This still won't be enough to let you meet the guild master." Rosaline looked at the woman with an unreadable expression and tossed more money onto the table. "Two hundred fifty gold coins. Is that enough?"

The woman looked at her with wide eyes, looking like her eyes were gonna jump out of their sockets. Rosaline gave her an innocent smile and the woman got up. She left the room, most likely to talk to the guild master. Rosaline leaned back onto the soft chair and looked around the room. There was a small chill she felt as the room was slightly cold but it still felt nice. There were mainly softer colors like white, baby blue and pink in the room which was nice to look at. Rosaline started to get bored of waiting and decided to speak. 

"Malfas if you can get here within one minute I'll give you four hundred gold coins." And as soon as she said those words the guild master sprinted into the room. "What is it you wish for miss?" He asked with a wide smile, looking out of breath which made Rosaline chuckle a little. "I want you to find me a slave."

"A slave?"

"Yes. He's a werebeast."

'Werebeasts are sub humans who can turn into an animal, Alono was one who could turn into a golden fox and I need to save him..'

"He has bright yellow hair, skin that's a beautiful tan and golden eyes. That's all I know about him you'll have to do the rest and I expect you to find him for me. I'm in a tight schedule so I can't wait for too long."

"Don't worry I never let a lady down." He smirked at her but she rolled her eyes in response.

"Oh right I'm pretty sure he'll be sold in the sun district in around one or two months. That should make it easier for you to find him. I'll only pay you once you find him though." 

He looked at her dumbfounded, this woman was starting to interest him. "What's your name?"

"Isn't that information supposed to be closed of?"

He looked at her with hints of intrigue and Rosaline only smiled sweetly at him. She got up ready to leave only to be grabbed by the wrist. He now stood up, towering over her slightly and looked down at her. 

"You said my name before."

Rosaline looked at him confused but then realized what was going on. 'Ah right.. He's kept his real name hidden. No one knows it yet I said it when I called for him before, I only know it because I read the book but he wouldn't know that..' She face palmed in her mind over making such a stupid mistake. Acting stupid would come of no use and only make him more suspicious so being honest would be best was what Rosaline felt. 

She got out of his grasp and walked toward the door opening it slightly and then turned around. "Do you want to know why I know your name?" She said coldly.

He put his hands in his pockets and smiled and then it faded immediately after.

"I do."

"I'm Rosaline Vladenburg and I'll tell you how I know your name if you pay me." She said with a smug smile.

"How much?"

Rosaline let her smug expression fade.

"100 million gold coins." She said with a big smile and he nearly dropped to the floor, she laughed as she walked out.

She knew how much he treasured money and how he'd never pay that much, he probably didn't even have all that money so she had no need to worry and left with a feeling of accomplishment.

'That woman is lady Rosaline Vladenburg? The most annoying woman in the kingdom?.. She's quite the beauty..'

Rosaline went back to the boutique and waited for Dagen so she could act like she had gotten lost. The sun was starting to set and an ember color was filling the sky, she looked up with a smile feeling the nice breeze unaware that Dagen was watching her from the shadows.






Currently on the Burry me at makeout creek album

I've enjoyed all the songs I've heard so far except for one but thats alright cus all her songs are really good anyways !!

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