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"Were you not going to apologize?"

"W-What..? Oh.. Oh right!" Elliot continued looking at her with an unchanging expression as she remained silent feeling lost in his eyes. Sooner snapping out of it. "Yeah! Urm.. sorry for how I acted yesterday, it must've been annoying taking care of me.." She sighed out. "Yeah you were annoying."


'She's acted worse than this before so why is she apologizing over something like this?' Elliot stared at Rosaline, looking at the way she was acting, the slight tremble, lightly flushed face and the avoidance of eye contact.  He couldn't help but analyze the way she was acting, it intrigued him. Then suddenly she grabbed his hand without thinking. He looked at her with mild confusion wondering what she was gonna do next. "I know how much you hate me complimenting you so that must've made you uncomfortable even though you are attractive- wait no I mean." Her words got cut of from a mild chuckle. In front of her was the stone cold Elliot with a small smile. Her heart nearly jumped out her chest seeing that beautiful smile of his, she could swear she could see roses around him. 

He lightly covered his mouth after realizing that he had just chuckled while in Rosaline's presence, something that had never happened before. Rosaline started plucking some of the flowers around her and made a small crown. She smiled to herself while looking at it. Soon enough she started to get hungry so she got up while still holding the flower. She looked back to see Elliot sleeping soundly and chuckled at the sight. She put the crown on him. "Sorry again.." She said quietly with a weak smile and then left.

Elliot slowly opened his eyes and touched the crown. He took it off his head and was thinking of throwing it yet he couldn't. 

'She's aware that I hate her compliments..'

'She looks so scared while near me..'

'Yet she gave me something stupid like a flower crown with such a smile.'

'She looked so happy while making it..'

'Such a strange woman.'

Elliot looked up at the clouds and sat in silence. Questioning what he was feeling.

Rosaline had gone back to her room and just finished a nice meal. She rummaged through some books seeing if she could find anything entertaining and then found a book about a slave. She read a few lines of the books but found it boring and sat down at her desk.

"A slave.. hm." She muttered quietly and brought up her papers where she wrote about the story. She looked through it and found a name that was written several times. "Alono."



"Al.. Alono!" She shouted having just remembered something important. Anna looked at her with worried eyes and Rosaline just gave her a small smile. "Is anything wrong lady Rosaline..?" Anna said softly. "Oh, well no don't worry!" 

Rosaline started going through her papers fast hoping to see if she had written anything more about him. But there wasn't really much so she wrote down fast what she had just remembered.

'Alono.. the slave with a cursed fate.'

"I have to save him. No matter what."

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