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"Anna I need you to bring me the head butler!"

"As you wish."

Rosaline sat on the edge of her bed waiting for Anna to come back and soon enough she did. The head butler Makaelis was following along behind her with his head facing downwards. 'We had never really talked before so he probably thought that I was like the original Rosaline but that probably won't change after what I'll ask of him.' "Makaelis."

"Yes milady?" 

"The money owned by sir Ravenden is also my own isn't that right?"


"Then what's the limit for the amount I can use?"

"As much as you want milady." 

She leaned back, thinking hard to remember the money system in this story so that she wouldn't accidentally ask for too little. 'I definitely cannot ask for too little money otherwise this won't work.. '  

"I want five hundred gold coins."

'That should be more than enough...'

The butler looked at her as if he was watching a pig fly and she felt uncomfortable under the gaze. Even for the original Rosaline this was a lot of money, she'd only ever spend this much if she were to get ready for the royal banquet which rarely happened. "Is there anything special you're going to attend milady..?" He said carefully, worried for her reaction.

"Yes something very special."

"..And what may that be milady?"

"Do you need to question everything? I want the money and that's all there is too it so get me it now." 

She felt bad having to act like this, being so rude wasn't something she was used to but it was a must. She wanted to lie down but had to keep her image, she looked at him with cold eyes like he was only trash to her and he slowly complied. "My apologies. I'll go to sir Ravenden right away milady.." He bowed down and after getting a nod from Rosaline quickly turned around and left. Rosaline slumped down onto her bed and let out a big sigh. Anna watched her curiously, shocked over how Rosaline had been acting but went back to do her duties. "Anna."

"Yes lady Rosaline?"

"Get me ready."

"Of course lady Rosaline." 




Elliot was sitting by his desk finishing up with his paperwork when he heard a sudden knock. "You may come in."

The butler entered the room looking slightly worried. "Is there anything wrong?"

"Oh no sir! It's just that milady has asked something of you."

"Rosaline did?"

"Yes, she's asked to use five hundred gold coins."

Elliot nearly choked when he heard that. 'What would make Rosaline ask for something like that?' Usually he would've still complied since if he didn't do what she wanted she'd throw a tantrum but during these few days Rosaline had acted so different. How would she react if he said no? Would it be the same as the last times? 'I wonder..' He caressed his lips while going deep into thought.

"Tell Rosaline I won't give her the money and bring her to me. I wish to have a private conversation with her." He said with a smirk, slightly excited for what was going to happen, he wondered how this was going to go. 

Rosaline was outside the estate, feeling the nourishment from the sun. The warmth was nice but felt somewhat stuffy while wearing those long sleeves. She felt a presence and turned around only to see the butler behind her. She gave him a soft smile expecting good news only for it to drop once she heard what he had to say. "Sir Ravenden wishes to meet you and sadly did not agree to giving you the money." Her body went cold and she bit her lower lip but walked back into the mansion. 'I guess I was asking for too much this time.. I was relying on how he'd sometimes humor Rosaline so she wouldn't complain..'

Once they got in front of his door the butler stopped walking and stood to the side, making it clear he wouldn't follow her all the way.

"Seems like he want's to talk alone.." She muttered. 

She entered to room, seeing the duke lean on his chair comfortably while holding several sheets of papers, lightly waving them around. Elliot observed her closely and Rosaline gulped in response.

'I have to make him let me use the money.. no matter what.'

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