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A few weeks had passed since the incident and life actually felt pretty nice. We were able to get the children to the orphanages. I had planned to let Itri go too but it seemed he'd gotten a bit attatched to me. When I bought him to Ellanor he wouldn't budge. After some thinking I realized he didn't want to leave but was too scared to tell me. So I gave him a warm smile and told him that he could stay with me. I had gone out with him a few times and bought him some clothes, I'd try to have him say what he wanted so that he would get more used to asking me for things.

Didn't really work but that's alright, I'd help him get better slowly. After everything that had happened I remembered that I hadn't met my family in a while so I went back to stay with them for a few days. Soris would insult me as usual but it was still pretty fun. I was questioning wether I should've told them about the auction but decided against it. They probably wouldn't have believed me anyway.

I let out a small chuckle.

I looked up at the sky, the sun shone brightly, no clouds in sight.

I was sitting on the usual hill in the garden I would often visit. I looked down to see Itri sleeping soundly on my thighs. I pet his head softly, his soft fluffy hair tickled my fingers. He nuzzled onto me. 'Seems like he enjoys the peting.' I thought while smiling.

I closed my eyes but then felt a similar feeling, it felt as though there was a shadow looming over me. I opened my eyes only to see Elliot infront of me. I nearly screamed in shock but shut myself immidietly, not wanting to wake Itri up.

"Why are you here?" I asked.

"I want to treat you. If you have free time."


"If it weren't for you then we wouldn't have taken down the slave auction. I knew that there was several going on but didn't how to pin point it down too it's exact location."

"Oh I see." I said as I nodded.


"What?" I asked.

Elliot sighed.

"So do you have time to go with me?" He asked with slight impatience.

"Ah! Well um.. Sure..?"

"Let me just take Itri to bed first." I said as I got up. I took Itri in my arms and carried him. We walked to my room and I layed him in the bed. He looked to cute laying there so I couldn't hold back and kissed his cheek, it was just a small peck though.

Itri still wasn't that great with physical contact but did tell me that he was fine with me touching him sometimes. I still tried to stay away from it though, I didn't want to accidentally hurt him. I turned of the lights and left with Elliot.

"So where are you taking me?"

"You seem to enjoy being in the garden so why not a park?"

"Oh, yes I'd love that!" I said with a smile. Elliot gave me a small smile back and then spoke.

"Then I know the perfect place for us to go."

'I don't know if I've been imagining it but it feels as though Elliot has been a bit nicer to me recently. There's nothing I've done for him to change much though so it must just be my imagination.'

I watched as Elliot walked away, I felt a tight feeling in my chest but ignored it and walked closer to him.

'Even though I never told him, I was also thankfull to him. If it weren't for him I wouldn't have been able to save all those children. And I know I would've felt a strong guilt only leaving with one child.'

Elliot saved me from that.

"Thank you."

I Reincarnated As The Villainess✓Where stories live. Discover now