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Rosaline had put on a standard pastel yellow dress that was white by the hems. She enterd the dining room and got shocked to see that Elliot was already there. She had expected for him to be late or come exactly by 12, she didn't think he'd be so early. "I'm sorry did you wait long?" He shook his head and gestured for her to take a seat and she did. She sat down and they began eating, she could barely enjoy the meal from how confused she was but she didn't want to let it show. "Is there a reason you asked me to have dinner with you?"

"Is it strange for me to want to enjoy a meal with my fiancee?" He said while not even looking up from his food. He just calmly ate while Rosaline was starting to get chills.

"You're right, that was a stupid question. Sorry."

"No need to apologize."

The room felt tense and there was nearly nothing to talk about, the only sounds were the forks scraping the plates. The room felt cold. 'I expected him to ask me something but he isn't doing anything but eat. Could I have been wrong?'

'... Hah, it's been a long time since I've felt like this.'

'The cold awkward feeling where no words are uttered, just eating in silence not even glancing at eachother, a feeling that submerges me in emptiness,


'This was always something I dealt with when I ate with my family or 'friends', I guess after all that time I just started eating alone. Feeling this again isn't something I expected but I should've known I'd feel it again. I can't escape it.'

Before Rosaline could get deeper into her thoughts Elliot broke the silence.

"You asked for quite a lot of money before, do you need more?"

"Huh? Oh, no it's alright. I've gotten access to my money again so it's fine."

"Well that's good, is there anything you've been thinking of buying recently?"

Rosaline sat in silence for a moment, thinking back to everything and then gave a soft smile. "I've been thinking of maybe buying some more dresses. The ones I have have gone out of style so I can't wear them anymore."

"Really? I think they suit you though." He said with a smile. But it looked forced and cold, but even so it made Rosalines heart throb slightly.

'Why would he say that..?'

Elliot got up since he had finished his meal and left. Rosaline stayed, playing around with the scraps on her plate as she tried to figure out what all this was about.

Elliot was gonna go to his room but felt like entering the library instead. He took out a book and flipped through the pages. 'I wasn't able to get much info out of her.' He thought back to the way she was when she was eating. 'She had a somber look to her. I wonder why?.. No that has nothing to do with me.'

He put down the book and decided to go back to his room and rest.

'In three days.'

'What will she do?'

I Reincarnated As The Villainess✓Where stories live. Discover now