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It was now a battle between me and her, no one else was stepping in and Elliot was patiently watching me, seeing how I would react. "5000." I said.

"... 6500."

The audience started to chatter with each other, being completely immersed with the fight between us.

"8000." I said with confidence, not planning on backing down.

I could tell that she was reaching her limit, she started chewing on her thumbs nail and even with the mask I could tell that she was starting to feel tired.

"... 9000."

I looked down at Alono and noticed how he wasn't even looking up, his gaze was stuck to the floor. Having two people fight over him, using money as his worth must've felt so dehumanizing. I had to end this now.

"12 000."

The audience went completely silent,  everyone's mouths were agape in shock, even Elliot but not as much as the others. I took a breath and looked down at the sailsman and he started to stumble with his words but quickly went back to normal. "A- alright! That concludes the action, number 173 get's the golden slave."

The lights in the room went off and we all went out, but the ones that had bought slaves had to be taken to a different room to collect our 'prizes'. As we sat in the small room, each noble would be summoned one by one and then leave with their new little 'pet'. Seeing that made me sick, I felt like I had to look away. The tiny room with cement walls that had a few cracks, the slight mold by the walls, the putrid smell of alcohol and smoke and the sights of the looks on these nobles faces. The twisted pleasures I could sense from them was too much. I felt as though I was gonna throw up, I had to cover my mouth.

"So you do want a slave." Elliot said quietly as to not grab the other nobles attention.

"It's not like that, this is the only way I can help him." I sighed.

Elliot looked at me skeptically but I ignored it.

"173!" A deep voice called out. 'I guess it's my turn now.'

I got up and was gonna go into the other room, Elliot had to sit back and wait but neither of us minded that. But before I could fully enter the room Elliot called out to me.

"Will you be okay?"

It took me by surprise, I stood still not knowing and questioning what to say. But what I did know was that that simple question had eased my worries a bit. I gave him a smile and nodded and then entered the room.

Once I got in there was a man sitting infront of a desk with papers scattered throughout, it was the same man from the auction. He held a device in his hand and pressed the red button in the middle. "Come in!" He called out and soon enough Alono entered the room, he seemed to be in pain. 'Could it be because of that device?'

"This will be your new slave 173, just give me the money and I'll give you him."

I threw the money that was in the bag at him without saying anything.

"Quite impatient are we?" He said with a smirk and I gave him a fake chuckle to go a long with his little jokes.

"This kid always follows his orders and does more than he's told but if he ever misbehaves then just press this button." He said with an ugly grin. I looked down at the device but then looked back at him.

"What does it do?"

"Oh it just sends this brat shocks incase he ever acts out of line. You see that collar by his neck? Yeah that's what sends him the shocks."

"I see. Is that all?"

"Yes so you may take your leave now." He said with a smile.

I took Alono by the hand and went to the door. "It was fun doing business with you!" He called out. I stood in silence for a bit but then opened the door slightly, a small creak could be heard.

"Really? Well that's too bad, I don't think you'll ever be doing business ever again."

Before he could understand what I said several knights entered the room, Elliot's knights.

"W- What..?!"

Before I left I gave him a warm smile and shut the door.

The look of pure fear and confusion made this painful day fully worth it.

I Reincarnated As The Villainess✓Where stories live. Discover now