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She was sitting in the carriage while looking out the window seeing the beautiful scenery. The bright green and pale pink flowers that were soon going to blossom. Spring.. the season of life. The carriage came to a sudden stop and a butler opened the door for her, taking her hand and helping her step down. Her silver heels came in contact with the sandy ground and she nearly tripped. Sitting in that bumpy ride really messed up her balance but she was able to set herself straight. She looked up at the massive mansion, looking like it came right out of a novel. Well it sort of did actually. 

"To live in a place like this is too much for me." She muttered an awe. The butler led the way and she followed behind. "Where are you taking me?"

"To your new room."

"Ah, I see." The butler glanced at her, waiting for her to start complaining about something. The rumors about her were some of the worst he'd heard yet she was so calm. Simply looking around with sparkles in her eyes as if she loved the place she was now going to reside in. Not a single complaint came out of her mouth. 

He took her to her room and brought the people she was going to work with. "This is Anna, she will be your personal maid." Rosaline eyed the young girl with blond hair and sunkissed skin. The girl trembled feeling as if she was stuck in Rosaline's grasp. Not realizing that Rosaline merely thought she was cute and was happy to have someone close to her age, hoping that maybe she could make a friend. She later realized who she is and how scared Anna must be having her stare at her like that. The poor girl looked like she was about to cry any second now. "It was a pleasure to met you Anna but I don't need anything right now so you may leave." She gestured with her hand for her to go away. Anna nodded in response and left the room.

Rosaline wanted to be alone and have some time for herself since she was pretty tired from that ride. Elliot's fiancé had just entered his home yet he didn't even greet her. Well it wasn't very shocking since he hated her but Rosaline still felt slightly embarrassed. She laid down on the soft white bed. Her whole body nearly sunk into it with how soft it was. 

'Life doesn't seem to be as bad as my old life but it is pretty boring.'

She decided to get up and do something and looked out of the window to see if there was anything out there and then saw a beautiful garden. She went out and entered it, walking around, admiring all the beautiful flower buds that were soon too bloom. The sky was as clear as can be and a heavenly blue color. The sun shone brightly and warmed her body but she started getting a little tired so she went to a place where she could rest for a bit. Up ahead was a small hill with a big tree on top that could give her nice shade. She went there and sat down, resting under the tree but still feeling the nice heat. She could feel herself slowly doze of but her legs were cramping up so she took her heels of. She wasn't sure if having your bare feet out was very ladylike but she didn't care, those heels were killing her. 

Finally she could fully rest. Her face was looking up towards the skies as her eyes slowly shut. She could feel her body going to peace, there were low sounds of rustling near her but she ignored it thinking it was only the wind. Hearing those sounds only calmed her nerves until it started to become a bit too loud. She slowly opened her eyes and saw a dark figure looming over her, the sunlight hitting it's back making it hard to see.

Her throat felt dry but she was still able to speak. "Who are you..?" The figure stayed silent for a moment and Rosaline felt like she was slowly starting to wake up.

"For you to not recognize me? The one you claim to love, could you possibly be sick?" As soon as she heard those words her body went cold. A cloud moved in the way of the sun making it easier for her to see. Those cold silver eyes staring into hers.

It was none other than Elliot Ravenden standing in front of her and she could feel her heart drop to her stomach as his eyes locked into hers.

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