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Her old memories came flooding to her.

That pathetic life she used to have.

"Of course we're friends."

"Stop being a nuisanse and asking for so much. I've given you a roof over your head, stop complaining."

"I'm sorry but.. If your grades keep on dropping like this you'll have to retake your grade"

"How could you lash out at your friends like that?!"

"You're sick."

"Why do you ask for so much?! I've given you all that I have!"

She let her body float, it felt as though she was at piece. There was nothing to see, there was only darkness surrounding her.





Elliot watched as ber body wasn't moving. Even after having given her cpr her breaths were still slow and steady. When he saw how she didn't return to the surface his body jumped in without giving his mind time to think.

They were still in the park, sitting close to the river near some trees and bushes.

Elliot grazed her cheek hoping that her eyes would open from his touch but they remained still. He bit his lower lips regretting not having watched her thoroughly. If he hadn't been distracted then he could've stopped this from happening.

But before Elliot could regret anymore Rosaline started coughing. A little water came out of her mouth and she looked around shoked and confused. She sat up and saw Elliot staring at her with wide eyes, she was too out of it to understand what his expression ment. All she could think about was how she actually fought to live. She held onto her chest tightly.

She didn't understand what was going on but all she knew was that she wanted to hug Elliot, so she did.

Elliot was trying to process what was going on but still hugged her back slowly.

"I shouldn't have taken you here."

"No.. Thanks to you I was able to witness something beautiful."

She smiled as she turned to look at the sky which was engulfed in a ember colour.

She noticed that she had been hugging him for a bit to long and pushed herself back, resting her cold shivering hands on the sharp grass. Elliot didn't say anything about it and put his hands on hers. They sat in silence, enjoying the moment together.

"Ah! How's the child? Is it safe?"

"It's now you ask..? And yes the child is alright."

Rosaline let out a joyful laugh. "That's good then."

Elliot watched her as her small chuckles tickled his ears.

"You really are stupid."

"What's that about?" Rosaline asked, dumbfounded.

"Figure it out yourself." Elliot scoffed.

"I'd say you're the stupid one." Rosaline hissed.

"What makes you say that?" Elliot asked with clear judgement.

"Just look at yourself, you look like a mess."

"You're one to talk." Elliot smirked.

Rosaline could feel her face heat up and hit him softly on the shoulder.

'When I first came here I was so scared, I didn't know when my days would be over and what scared me the most was Elliot. Just looking at him sent shivers down my spine yet here I am now, watching the sunset with him while laughing.'




Elliot was going through his papers making sure everything was in order and spotted a paper hidden underneath the rest. It was the marriage paper for him and Rosaline. He looked at it for a moment and remembered that he hadn't planned aything for it yet, nor bought her a ring. He sighed as he looked at the paper and placed it back down on the table and went to sleep.

I Reincarnated As The Villainess✓Where stories live. Discover now