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I looked at them in horror, the sight was just too much for me so I turned away. But before I could leave I accidentally stepped on a small branch, the sound it made wasn't loud but was still enough for them to hear. They turned to me but I couldn't look them in the face. Yet Elliot was still able to notice how I felt and ran to me. 

"Rosaline? Are you alright? What happened?"

"I- I'm alright! Don't worry." I tried to say with a smile, still not being able to look at his face.

Elliot turned around to Emma. "We have some things we need to discuss, do you mind leaving for a moment?"

Emma shook her head and quietly left. 

"Rosaline? Can you look at me, please?"

I shut my eyes, my head turned from him. He let out a weak sigh. 

"I'm sorry." Was all I could say.

"Why are you apologizing?"

"But it's alright now, you've finally met who you're supposed to be with."

"What are you talking about?"

Elliot was holding onto to me, softly, his warmth transferred to me, but today would be the last time I ever felt this warmth. I brushed his arms of off me, slowly. 

It felt like my mind had stopped, I started saying things I shouldn't have, I wasn't thinking. It was as if my feelings had taken control.

"I wasn't supposed to be here, I'm not even from here, yet I messed everything up. I'm sorry."

"Rosaline, please calm down and just explain." He said softly, his voice low.

"I should've stayed dead." I said with a weak smile as I looked at him.

But once I snapped out of it I realized what I had just said. Elliot looked at me with pure confusion, I could tell that he couldn't think of what to say.

"I mean.. I.. I'm sorry. You wouldn't understand."

"No it's fine. It only makes sense that you'd hate me after how I've been."

"No Elliot you had every right-"

"You don't like me, I get it. You even went as far as to say a bunch of nonsense.. I'll cancel the engagement so you can move back home and I'll stop bothering you." He said as he looked at me, his usual cold eyes were filled with a somber yet comforting feeling. I couldn't look away nor speak. We bathed under the moonlight, having nothing else to say. He walked past me and went back to the ball as I fell to the ground. My knees felt weak, I couldn't stand up no matter how much I wanted to. 

'Everything is over.'

'I ruined it all.'

'This is for the best. Right?'

The loud music and the peoples cheers, I could hear it all. My cries got drowned out from all the sound. 

I truly felt alone.

I Reincarnated As The Villainess✓Where stories live. Discover now